Tuesday, November 14, 2006

a righteous smackdown.

* josh:
" But I'm really stunned by this (Pelosi/Murtha) move. Not so much the move itself -- I know she and Hoyer are rivals and that she and Murtha are close allies. So certainly she'd prefer Murtha in the role. But she's doing a lot more than being quietly supportive of an ally. She's very publicly making everyone takes sides. And in a very specific, unique way. She's staked her authority and credibility on a Murtha victory. And since she represents the caucus, to a degree she's putting the caucus's authority and credibility on the line too, just after the Dems have taken power in the House for the first time in a dozen years. It's a really bold power-play on a number of levels."
* laura:
"The Institute for Science and International Security's David Albright, a former Iraq weapons inspector, and Jacqueline Shire assert (.pdf) that the "Flawed House [Iran] Intelligence Report Should Be Amended or Withdrawn.""
they sure do. a righteous smackdown. (albright appears in ktm.)

* via Prissy, a 9 min video (scroll down):
"Elizabeth Holtzman, Esq, at a forum in Philadelphia, PA, on Nov. 11, 2006, calls for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and V.P. Richard Cheney. She is a former Congresswoman from NYC, and an ex-member of the legendary House's Judiciary Committee, in 1974. It drove President Richard M. Nixon out of office for his Watergate-related crimes."
Go Liz!

* the comedy stylings of bradblog (5 mins).

* nyrb:
"Five years after George Bush launched America on a global crusade to "rid the world of evil," it is safe to say that the tide has turned. No, America is not winning, although some argue that it might be politic, at this juncture, to declare victory.[1] Nor is America necessarily losing, as others have asserted. What has happened instead is that the mental construct that framed the Bush administration's reaction to September 11 as a "war" is beginning to fall apart."

go read the rest, it's important - if not new. or complicated. or islamofacistic.


Mizgîn said...

I wanted to post this earlier, but have not had the time:

Murtha's top campaign contributors since 1989 (defense/homeland security industries in bold):

1 UPMC Health System $153,450
2 Lockheed Martin $138,075
3 General Dynamics $137,200
4 Boeing Co $124,499
5 DRS Technologies $124,050
6 PMA Group $105,500
7 Cassidy & Assoc/Interpublic Group $99,800
8 Textron Inc $97,150
9 Northrop Grumman $96,500
10 General Atomics $93,898
11 Marathon Oil $78,300
12 Science Applications International Corp $74,750
13 Raytheon Co $71,500
14 Laborers Union $71,000
15 Mantech International $66,600
16 Seafarers International Union $63,000
17 MTS Technologies $62,500
18 Planning Systems Inc $61,200
19 US Steel $59,500
20 United Auto Workers $59,200


lukery said...

thnx mizgin - fp'd

pma & cassidy are lobbying firms!

Anonymous said...

Oh my on Murtha-unfortunately, I like him! He's like Grandpa Kindness compared to the rest of them...

Thanks Lukery for posting and giving me credit;-)

You gotta check out my photo's of the "V for Vendetta in Washington DC" photos. These guys were a riot just to look at!

lukery said...

prissy! i was literally in the process of posting your pix! great work!

bummer about your camera cord.

have a great trip.