Sunday, December 10, 2006

Impeachment day.

Impeachment day.

read Pupotonian:
In my earlier post, I referenced an article that appeared in the mainstream populist publication In These Times. It was authored by John Nichols and carries the title "In Praise of Impeachment." The article compels me to change my original passive position of letting the Congressional investigations run their course, and to instead insist on impeachment. It's a duty to do so. Nichols begins, appropriately, with Richard Nixon and Watergate...

read David Swanson:
"Impeachment Cannot Wait
Political questions are tricky and complicated. Sometimes causes that are just and good must take a backseat to other priorities or long-term strategies. Setting all such perfectly reasonable considerations aside for a moment, I'd like you to ask yourself a simple yes or no question: Do you think President Bush has committed one or more impeachable offenses?"

* rimone has more


Anonymous said...

Pelosi and Conyers have sold you out. Deal with it.

lukery said...

oldschool - to be fair, swanson lays out the case in his article

romunov - i 'hope' that you are wrong, but i'm not confident

Anonymous said...

oldschool: Are they just now getting to the rhtorical questions?

*smacks forehead* no duh...

i'm back w/the band (and believe it or not, i'm totally non-violent but this cabal of criminals has driven me crazy): Mao Tse Tsung Said

Anonymous said...

yup, oldschool, Rock Freebase, Delta Slide Guitar master of the Alabama 3.

*sigh* oh wait...where was i? right, i sent him over to Luke's page to read your/my comments; he was laughing his ass off.

lukery said...

i'm amazed that i can hold either of your attention(s) - what with the whole bandcrush thing going on...

Anonymous said...

I'll go with "more than one impeachable offense".

Like says, tons of them.

lukery said...

rimone: "my lips are sealed"

you've changed, babe.

Anonymous said...

lukery: rimone: "my lips are sealed"

you've changed, babe.

not really --- when it comes to others' personal shite, i never say shit (which is why so many confide in me, despite my big mouth).