Thursday, March 15, 2007

guest blogging

* brad has been threating to have me post over at his place for just about ever. Today, my first guest post over there, about....... how did you guess? Sibel!


«—U®Anu§—» said...

Brad Friedman is among a handful of blog writers widely recognized as authoritative. He deserves and receives much of the credit for a more fair election in 2006 than what we had in 2000 and 2004, a fine and commendable achievement. With friends like you and Brad, I have real hope Sibel will reach her place in the sun.

lukery said...

brad certainly does deserve a lot of kudos. he does great work

Anonymous said...

congratulations, Lukery. i totally agree w/what Uranus said above.

«—U®Anu§—» said...

Luke belongs in the best of company, Rimone. That's why we're here.

My new ten dollar keyboard is broken; meanwhile, Microsoft's antipiracy technology forced a new install, and my workarounds are stellar. I managed to extend the 30-day validation period to 60, and how I did it I have no idea. At times like these, I recall my brother telling me, just before he died, 'everything is so fucked up.'

Anonymous said...

yes, Uranus, your bro' was correct.

if you want me to send you a new, flatboard keyboard (dell), just mail me w/your meatspace addy.

«—U®Anu§—» said...

That's very sweet and I appreciate it, but I can go to our neighborhood's new, biggest-ever Walmart Supercenter and get one for probably less than what you'd have to pay for postage. I'll e-mail when I get it, I was waiting to configure the mail until then. I suspect this one was the victim of cat traffic. The shift keys and left cursor key don't function, and it's completely maddening.

I don't think there's a single politician or serious political writer who isn't keenly aware of the news from Bradblog, the site which made Diebold a household name. That they notice Luke is more proof the guys are sharp. Would any other great advocates of democracy and justice care to step forward with Sibel...I can't make a question mark...

Anonymous said...

Brad's a great dude, as well as his girlfriend. It was good to meet them at DemocracyFest. One of the few faults he has is he smokes too much! Brad, if you're reading this, you know that to be true! In my book though you're still one of the folks that's saving this country!

Anonymous said...

sorry, i meant all about Valerie. me so seepy.

lukery said...

rimone - you nearly gave me a heartattack

Anonymous said...

i torry. i read it all wrong thanks to my idiotic hopeful gene (which should be gone by now).

lukery said...

and good riddance.

hope is not our friend