Friday, March 16, 2007

make the U.S. Attorney purge look like a pizza part

From the diary rescue gods at dkos:
Get ready for another scandal, and this could make the U.S. Attorney purge look like a pizza party, but you may need to help bring it to light, says lukery in this post, What the heck is Sibel Edmonds' Case about? And why should I care?
are we there yet?


profmarcus said...

keep pounding away... the "pizza party" will only serve to help bring sibel's story to light... i predict it will open the floodgates...

lukery said...

thnx prof. sometimes it feels like we're close, and other times like we haven't made a dent.

Anonymous said...

keep up the excellent work you are doing. many are rooting for the truth to finally come out and it seems as though the TRUTH is can hide, but you can't run...and everything that is hidden shall come to light. Keep on standing up for us.

lukery said...

thnx anon for the support.