Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bush et al should be in fucking jail

* OGM:
Sean Penn speaking his mind on Real Time with Bill Maher
Recently when President Ford died there was a lot of revisionist discussion about his pardoning of Richard Nixon and in most cases both Democrats and Republicans got on the talk shows and said, well as it turns out it was a great unifier for the country at the time. The country had been very divided, chaos, and I think it's really quite the opposite, that when you have a precedent set like that When you have somebody, George Tenet acknowledging in his book that he knew that the administration was deceiving the american people into a situation that is murdering young men and women from this country and others that George Tenet and Dick Cheney and Condalezza Rice and George Bush et al should be in fucking jail.

* Noise:
"I can't read Tenet's book. His slam dunk clarification is too fucked up.

I did read his chapter on 9/11 missteps. He says he told the FBI that Moussaoui had links to Chechen terrorists. I believe that the official story was that French intelligence gave the FBI some intel but it was deemed insufficient to issue a FISA warrant. Tenet says the intel he shared was definitely enough for a FISA warrant. He also claims that Pickard didn't know Moussaoui was arrested."
oh no! Noise has been promising that book review forever. dammit!

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