Wednesday, March 30, 2005

cheney oh-hate

* some folk were quietly seated at a Bush event, secretservice folks check out the carpark, and notice a car with a sticker "No More Blood For Oil.", so they find the people in the audience and eject them. LINK

* oreilly is doing the 'pot in california' story again today. i wonder where this one is going.

* "Keep in mind that you need to go all the way back to 1952 to find a party that controls the White House nominating anyone besides the incumbent Vice President." LINK
cheney08? goodgrief. assuming that there is an election in 08, the repug field is really difficult to work out - especially post-schiavo. did frist and jeb and santorum shoot themselves in the foot? its very difficult to see 'moderates', like giuliani and mccain, winning (despite the betting markets). and do we really think theyll send in a black woman who had trouble getting past the senate for her latest role?

* "“(DeLay) mentioned that when he found out that Abramoff was dealing with a casino or whatever, it was then that he called in Abramoff and said, ‘Our relationship is finished. I can’t have anything to do with you because I’m adamantly opposed to gambling and I had no idea you were involved in this.’" LINK
funny. thous shalt not get court.

* Cato: "Expensive new planes, warships and weapons systems won't defeat the Al Qaeda terrorist network -- unprecedented and painstaking international intelligence and law-enforcement cooperation will." LINK

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