Monday, March 28, 2005


* hersh: "The administration's use of the word "insurgents" in Iraq gives the wrong impression of militants, making them seem unorganized and barbaric. They in fact should be called "resisters," because they are simply resisting the US occupation.
These resisters are more methodical than Bush or the media have given them credit for." amygoodman calls them the resistance too and i love her for it. LINK

* btw, amongst all the outrage that the egadmin lied that it was nthkorea who sold newks to libya, there seems to be 3 important angles of the story that are getting missed. 1) pakistan is buying newk technology 2) pakistan is selling newk technology 3) posterchild libya is buying newk technology

* oh yeah - and then theres the sale of the f-16s to pakistan.

* and while we're on that page: " A federal criminal investigation has uncovered evidence that the government of Pakistan made clandestine purchases of *U.S.* high-technology components for use in its nuclear weapons program in defiance of American law... efforts by two U.S. agencies to send investigators to Pakistan to gather more evidence have hit a bottleneck in *Washington*" LINK

* via xymphora: "The Communist Party of the Philippines spokesman Gregorio Rosal claimed that American covert operatives reportedly based in the country are apparently planning to stage 'terrorist attacks in the Philippines that it would blame on other threat groups.'
The objective of this plot is to 'justify the escalation of US military intervention in the country,' he added." LINK

* i havent mentioned it for a while, but given that the barmy is gonna miss recruiting targets in march and april (after being down 30% last month), perhaps we should revisit the issue of privatising many of the functions so that halliburton and bechtel et al can cream the amtaxpayer. if u wanted to go to a warzone, would u join the army or join halliburton at 4x salary? and if u were halliburton, and u can charge say 20x, would u increase wages to ensure that u had the workforce required?
the barmy cant win that battle, but they need troops for the ensuing wars. how many solutions are there apart from the draft?

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