Sunday, March 27, 2005

go barmy

* josh brings up my favorite question - CBS " still sitting on the goods in the Niger story after all." LINK

* kofi is toast. murdoch frontpages with "he's also prone to bouts of severe depression, especially when his credibility and personal integrity are questioned." LINK

* tfriedman gets nasty: " This administration is for "ownership" of everything except responsibility."
he is apparently shocked to learn that amgrunts do bad things - but he recently read that some so - and in the nyt no less! LINK

* nyt headline: "Chirac Is Said to Listen In on Rival's Phone Calls" LINK
they then go on to detail the accusations. from a satirical magazine.

* the beeb is reporting that tsunami deaths were 75% women, according to oxfam.

* cnn has been running an extraordinarily stupid piece all day about some apparently indestructible nerf-type toy thingy called a 'peep'. wtf is going on? the piece runs for about 10 fucking minutes. and ive seen it at least 5 times today. the company is apparently based in bethlehem PA, maybe its a gift to the religio freaks.

* "The Howard government’s appointment of Janet Albrechtsen to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s board of directors on February 24 is another demonstration of Canberra’s efforts to transform the network into a mouth-piece for pro-government propaganda. Albrechtsen, a corporate lawyer and columnist for Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspaper, is infamous for her right-wing views and hostility towards the ABC.
After her appointment, Albrechtsen declared that she would use her new position to examine the “problems of bias and how facts are presented”. The hypocrisy of this claim is nothing short of breathtaking." LINK
good grief. this woman is an animal. murdoch has been destroying the beeb as well. he is so damned good at this shit.

* is still advertising on the daily show's website. funny.

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