Saturday, March 26, 2005

rule of lore

* "Michigan bill would ban medical decisions if adultery is involved"
maybe all the disgusting repug men are scared that their wives will have em killed at the first chance. LINK

* are the fetuspeople gonna explode before or after schiavo dies? the world has gone completely fucking batshit.

* "What's on Terri Schiavo's iPod?" LINK

* i heart james woolcott:
"Here's something the cable news outfits could do that would rilly rilly rilly be useful, given that they got all those cameras down there in Florida and all.
Just for the kooky hell of it, why don't they provide us with one wide shot or overview of the protestors and vigil-holders in Pinellas Park just so we can see how big the gathering is? Is it a big, swelling group, or is it like the jubilant Iraqis surrounding Hussein's razed statue, a seeming mass revealed in long wideout as a motley get-together? And what is the ratio of Schiavo deathwatchers to media deathwatchers? Are there as many reporters there as sign-holders, or what?"

* everyone is laughing at the nyt for frontpaging this story which explains how statesmanlike jeb is - even his critics agree that he really likes god. or something.

* blinky's approval rating has dropped 7% points in a week. LINK

* if u search yahoo for "", you only get one result - - which is odd, cos that term was never here, till now. apparently people are searching for that term tho. for some reason. maybe people think that cnn must be employing her, given the absurd level of coverage. (and the rest of the jokes just write themselves)

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