Tuesday, March 29, 2005

what would jesus dont?

* murdock: " Kofi Annan, struggling to survive as the UN Secretary-General, plans to blame his son for embroiling him in the oil-for-food scandal when a UN inquiry issues a harsh report today." there wont be any rest for kofi till he is gone.

* in other news "(Reuters) - Right-wing American politicians are using the oil-for-food scandal as a weapon against the United Nations and Secretary-General Kofi Annan should not step down over it, his predecessor Boutros Boutros-Ghali said." its the vast-right-wing-conspiracy stupid.

* meanwhile, kofi is getting cleared by volcker. the AP headline: "Investigators Will Criticize U.N. Chief"

* oreilly is doing a piece on how easy it is to get pot in LA. it makes me want some pot. i hope people are lighting up all over the country because of oreilly

* hannity is still doing shows from outside schiavo's hospice. no turning down on this issue.

* "The television and radio industries are about to come under renewed attack over sex, violence and profanity in their programming, both in Congress and at the Federal Communications Commission." link sweet.

* ""There is a 24-hour surveillance team monitoring Martha Stewart's whereabouts. Nothing yet on al Qaeda." David Letterman"

* wonkette is the only blogger who isnt a nazi

* "Why not action figures from Mel Gibson's "The Passion"? I'd like to see a full-sized posable Jesus, like the old G.I. Joe. Maybe you could press a button and He will say things like "What would I do?" in amaraic." lol. thats funny.

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