Wednesday, December 28, 2005

*monkeys and stones

* "By the time we got to Cunningham’s sobbing exit, no one — absolutely no one — could keep track of all the scandals involving the Bush-Cheney administration, the Republican Congress, and state and local Republican leaders and their corporate and evangelical cronies. There were procurement scandals, media scandals, emergency-preparedness scandals, even treason scandals. These people stole everything, from coins in Ohio to billions in Iraq — including, in the estimation of some, the 2004 election, giving George W. Bush a matched set of nebulous claims to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." (link)
indeed. what a year! go read the rest if yuo want a rollick of the year hence.

* juancole writes about the top ten myths about iraq. unfortunately, one of them says: "6. There is a silent majority of middle class, secular-minded Iraqis who reject religious fundamentalism."

* maverick mcain reckons students should decide whether their ancestors are "monkeys and stones," or whether jesus made them.

* read reddhedd on the implications of scoopgate in terms of trying to prosecute legitimate terror suspects (assuming there are any): "Consequences are a bitch. And they are about the hit the fan." (link)

* btw - i think we have made some mistakes with our impeachment poll program. we should have just offered $2k to op-ed writers and got favourable coverage for impeachment. (link)

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