Monday, January 09, 2006

feingold, impeachment

* "A South Korean man accused of accepting cash from Saddam Hussein has been held in the US as part of the probe into the United Nations oil-for-food programme.
Tongsun Park, a businessman and lobbyist, is accused of conspiring to subvert the scheme, which was misused by the former Iraqi leader." (link)

* feingold is talking impeachment. woohoo. (link)

* james risen was on MTP and he said that he and eric lichtblau came to the snoopgate story separately. interesting. a dozen leakees speaking to reporters separately - i'd have to believe there are other journos who were also being leaked to. surely someone would call pincus - did the WaPo hold the story too? methinx.

* drifty: "So on second thought, go ahead and kill that bottle of absinthe. Instead of fading into the mists of our A.D.D. nation's memory, now Delay will remain exactly where he serves us best: as ten-tons of rotting dead albatross hanging around the neck of the GOP.
By refusing to either resign or STFU he now becomes a rusting drum of radioactive Christopathic waste, each and every day leaching ever more of his poison into the House Republican water table during this midterm election year… (link)
…day after day after day."

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