Saturday, February 25, 2006

Steven Jones and Sibel

* regarding my questions about Sibel referring to the blueprints et al of skyscrapers being sent to certain countries in july/august of 2001, and whether that adds any weight to the 'controlled demolition' theory, damien helpfully reminds us of Prof. Steven Jones' work:
"In fact, it's likely that there were "pre-positioned explosives" in all three buildings at ground zero, says Steven E. Jones... The three buildings collapsed nearly symmetrically, falling down into their footprints, a phenomenon associated with "controlled demolition" — and even then it's very difficult, he says.""
Jones, amazingly, was on Tucker Carlson's show - you can see the vid here. You'll be surprised to hear that Tucker was Tucker.

Actually, I've just come across Tucker's blog - here is what he said after the show:
"We've never had an e-mail response like the one we got after Monday's segment with Stephen Jones, a professor in the department of physics and astronomy at Brigham Young University. Jones believes that the World Trade Center buildings were likely brought down by bombs, rather than by hijacked planes on 9-11. "Use of powerful, pre-positioned explosives in the WTC buildings would imply an 'inside job'," Jones writes in a paper available on the BYU website. "Clearly, we must find out what really caused the WTC skyscrapers to collapse as they did."

When one of my producers first told me about him, my first thought was: Stephen Jones is insane. And he may be. On the other hand, he does have a legitimate job and a responsible-sounding title. He's not living in the park, or writing me letters in crayon. How crazy could he really be? In the interest of open-mindedness, we booked him.

That was probably a mistake. Talking about 9-11 is a lot like discussing someone else's religion: You can do it, but you've got to tread carefully. Most of the time, it's best to stick to platitudes and move on... Professor Jones wasn't up to the job. If you saw last night's show, you know what an uncomfortable six minutes it was. If not, I'll summarize: Jones was almost totally incapable of explaining his own ideas. By the end of the interview I understood no more about his hypothesis than when it began. He was an epically bad guest.

Yet - and here's the interesting part - he seemed to connect with a huge number of viewers. Some who e-mailed were offended that Jones would dare question the official version of 9-11. Some were confused by what he was trying to say. But the overwhelming majority wrote to thank me for my "courage" in putting him on, and to complain that we didn't give him more time to explain the conspiracy.

In other words, a lot of people seem to think it's possible that the U.S. government had a hand in bringing down the World Trade Center buildings.

Ponder that for a second: The U.S. government killed more than 3,000 of its own citizens. For no obvious reason. Then lied about it. Then invaded two other countries, killing thousands of their citizens as punishment for a crime they didn't commit.

If you really thought this - or even considered it a possibility - how could you continue to live here? You couldn't. You'd leave the United States on the next available flight and not come back. You'd have no choice. Continuing to pay taxes to a government capable of something so evil would make you complicit in the crime.

So of course most of the people who wrote to say they think the government might have been behind 9-11 don't really think the government might have been behind 9-11. For whatever reason, they just like to say so. Which as far as I'm concerned makes them phony and irresponsible.
phony and irresponsible, to be sure. invading countries for crimes they didnt commit? tell me he's kidding.

(i've just emailed Jones with the Sibel news)

1 comment:

lukery said...

the weather's great, the government less so...

Tucker, of course, continues to pay his taxes despite the fact that his govt
"invaded (at least one country), killing thousands of their citizens as punishment for a crime they didn't commit"

You are right oldschool - it's really difficult to internalize the reality. Even Tucker, trying to make a valid point, can't acknowledge that Iraq had nothing to do with 911.