Wednesday, March 22, 2006

moussaoui & samit

* reddhedd on moussaoui/samit: "For every person out there who tried to dismiss Colleen Rowley as an angry, disgruntled employee or an overly-emotional woman or whatever other pathetic excuse was used by people trying to marginalize her voice or to minimize blame for the Bush Administration and the folks at the higher echelons of the FBI — you look like apologist idiots.
Because all along, it was the folks in charge who were the problem. That the Bush Administration may have known this all along, and kept the information from the 9/11 Commission, and every other commission that has studied these issues — because they were limited in scope in terms of their investigative powers, is unconscionable."

* demnow: "This news from the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui – An FBI agent testified Tuesday the government ignored warnings that could possibly have prevented the 9/11 attacks. Greg Samit, who arrested Moussaoui in August 2001, said he spent four weeks trying to convince his superiors Moussaoui posed a security risk. According to Samit, the warnings were made at least seventy times, and FBI officials were even told of a specific threat of a plane attack on the World Trade Center. But Samit said his efforts were stonewalled. Samit blamed his superiors’ "obstructionism, criminal negligence and careerism" for blocking "a serious opportunity to stop the 9/11 attacks.""

* demnow: " In Washington, hundreds of people marched on the Pentagon, carrying a mock coffin they intended to give to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The demonstrators were met with a steel barrier erected by police to bar their entry. About 50 people were arrested when they managed to cross the fence. Among them was Michael Berg, whose son Nicolas Berg was beheaded by Iraqi kidnappers in 2004. Before his arrest, Michael Berg said: “My son was killed out of revenge for the atrocities that Americans committed at the Abu Ghraib prison; murdering, raping, and torturing prisoners there. So for me to say look how horrible what they did to my son certainly I'm entitled to revenge well there are people who can say the same thing because there are people over there in Iraq who lost their sons and daughters in that prison and there are a 100,000 people in Iraq dead and think of all the families there that think they're entitled to revenge. I don't think revenge is justified under any circumstances. revenge is an endless cycle and it has to stop somewhere and it stops with me.""
i wonder if we'll ever see that video of nickberg from farenheit911.

* hilight from the server logs (in the 'things we'd rather not see' dept) - someone from illinois searching for "Public Building Blueprints"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter Lance has some interesting things to say about the FBI and terrorism.

I'm also advised that, fashionwise, tinfoil is the new black.