Friday, March 31, 2006

non-nuclear mushroom cloud

* "U.S. Senator Russ Feingold announced today that Bruce Fein, former official in the Reagan Administration, and John Dean, former Counsel to President Nixon, will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee at Friday's hearing on Feingold's resolution to censure the president. The hearing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Friday morning." (link)

* "James Barnett, chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, said presidents should not be impeached "because we disagree with them," adding that evidence for impeachment was drawn from "left-wing blogs and conspiracy theories."" (link)

* TPM got plagiarized by AP, twice. (link)

* "The U.S. military plans to detonate a 700 ton explosive charge in a test called “Divine Strake” that will send a mushroom cloud over Las Vegas, a senior defense official said" (link)
it's a non-nuclear mushroom cloud - just so ya know. (thnx rimone)

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