Wednesday, March 29, 2006

quality snark

* nyt: ""The demonstrations embody a surging constituency demanding that illegal immigrants be given a path to citizenship rather than be punished with prison terms. It is being pressed as never before by immigrants who were long thought too fearful of deportation to risk so public a display.""
perhaps the cops should throw a giant net over everyone at the next demonstration and try to arrest them all. i suspect that would be the tipping point we've all been looking for. finally.

* White House chief of staff Andrew Card resigns. OMB director Joshua Bolten to replace him.
i'm kinda surprised they didnt replace him with someone with at least *some* name recognition - although i guess that might look like they have actually called in some help.

* clemons:
"Antonin Scalia, who has already declared his full-fledged support for secret military tribunals BEFORE hearing the appeal this week, has startled Christians around the nation by "flipping off" critics moments after attenting Roman Catholic mass.
I haven't seen the photo, but UPI reports that a photographer with The Pilot, the Archdiocese of Boston newspaper, snapped a shot.
Scalia "ordered him" not to publish the photo. So much for separation of church and state. "
that's some quality snark

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