Saturday, April 15, 2006

RawStory's credibility & sources

John Byrne, Editor of Raw Story, on sourcing and Raw's credibility:
Everything we print is double sourced. This article in particular had more than five sources. With regard to MEK, the framework of this was fingered in Cobra II (that cheney wanted to take this option) and we learned that they did.

Plame working on Iran is no secret — I’ve struggled to explain myself why the press hasn’t reported it.

The third article I don’t know if it’s been reported on before.

Larisa also reported that Rove was cooperating in the Fitz probe, which Steve Clemons / Washington Note confirmed.

In terms of source policy, we require double sources and I vet the sources before we print anything. We do this very critically, as our reputation is critical. The difficulty is always this: should we stop reporting on a certain subject just because MSM won’t cover it? That’s the problem. Sometimes we actually have dropped stories because we feel they are “too far” ahead of the curve. But it’s my general opinion that it’s a really a stupid idea just to stop reporting because MSM can’t catch up.

Why do we get the sources? I’ll tell you. Because a lot of people are afraid of the New York Times and the Washington Post. They’ve seen people get burned badly. We don’t expose our sources, we don’t play games with people, we don’t have a hidden corporate agenda — we believe in what we’re writing about, we believe reporting can affect positive change. (link)
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