Monday, May 29, 2006

Fuck Peter Beinart

* "Humanity has reached a "defining moment" in our dominion over the planet and our ability to destroy it, according to the head of the Royal Society, Britain's premier scientific institution. "The 21st century is the first in the Earth's history where one species has our planet's future in its hands and could jeopardise life's immense potential," Lord Rees told an audience at the Hay festival yesterday." (link)

* via don, here's a memorial day special flash - which is 18 months old - but still damning.

* oh jeebus! Peter Beinart continues to taint the libs. bless his sorry 'oops-i'm-sorry', war-mongering, lieberman -loving ass. thanks to he and Will Marshall and their ilk, not only will we see conservatives saying that Bush isnt really a conservative, now we have to deal with stupid fucking headlines like "Neocons in the Democratic Party". Jacob Heilbrunn, may your soul burn in hell, as well as whoever is paying you. Peter Beinart - put this quote on your fucking gravestone:
"Still, it is amusing to see that at the very moment when hawkish realists are trying to extirpate the neocon credo in the Republican Party, it's being revived in the Democratic Party that first brought it to life."

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