Monday, May 29, 2006

State = Innocent, Neocons & OVP = Bad

* when clemons ran the story that armitage is in Fitz' 'bulls-eye', i wrote:
This story will drive everyone mad - because everyone is trying to fit the facts around two dodgy theses:
a) that there is a strong dividing line between the eurofag lefties at State and the neocons / OVP
b) that Plame was outed to GetWilson
Re the first point, expanding it out a bit for clarification, not only do i see a fuzzy line between State and OVP et al, but also that what is known as "State" is anything but a monolithic whole (even once you strip out Bolton et al). I have a lot of trouble with analyses that assume these battles are Dept vs Dept - i've tussled with emptywheel about this before - see here or here

example quotes:
"emptywheel.... is correct to highlight that there are two different games in town, but incorrect, IMO, to suggest that the real game is State vs Neocon, and incorrect to put grossman and armitage (and even colin!) in the presumed 'Powell ring'."
" i think the purported 'realist vs neocon' battle is largely overblown. similarly, i think the 'State=Realist' meme can also be very misleading."
the other side of the same coin is that Left Blogistan basically assumes State = Good, Innocent in L'Affaire Plame, and that Neocons & OVP = Bad. this is also wrong, and misleading at best. (similarly, one of the other memes that drives me crazy is 'loyalty' - armitage is always 'fiercely loyal', for example. so is Preznit Blinky)

In any case, over at EW's place, Jeff has been making the case today (start here and read down for his comments) that there actually was a lotta daylight within what is presumed to be 'State' (Wilson, Powell, Armitage, Scowcroft, Grossman etc). Jeff:
"I was led to reread Kristof's original 5-6-03 column. If you haven't read it in a while, I highly recommend it, in light of what we've learned recently, and especially because it strongly supports my claim that Team Powell had reason to feel hostile toward Wilson, and that that might help explain Armitage's leaks. In fact, not only is the top of the State Department much more a focus than OVP, Powell and State are criticized as much if not more than President Bush for ignoring the doubts about the Niger intelligence in the runup to the war. OVP plays a rather minor role here, especially as compared with the role it would play subsequently."
And Jeff is correct - read kristoff. (Jeff does make the same mistake however, by presuming that Wilson & Grossman are on the same team).

I'm sure there is a faction vs faction fight going on here with plamegate - but i really dont think we have a clue what is really going on - and i'm pretty sure that much of the confusion is based on the fact that people on both sides don't even know who the factions are, or what the motivations are.

as i wrote last week:
"i also don't think leftblogistan is right about their take on the story (which seems remarkably narrow). remarkably, despite their record, i even suspect that some elements of rightblogistan might not be entirely wrong about their interpretation (although i have no clues as to which parts might be accurate). I'm also pretty sure that our particular version of the story is incomplete too. i wonder if we'll ever know."
let's hope fitz has been able to sort it all out (he's about the only person in this whole mess who i presume to be clean)

update: edited for clarification as per EW's observations in the comments


Don said...

How about this for creepy?

Neocons in the Democratic Party?

lukery said...


how many times do they need to be wrong??

Peter Beinart please STFU - you dont speak for me!

Don said...

Further re: NeoCons and Dems, from Booman, PNAC Co-Founder Endorses Dems in '08, complete with commentary.

lukery said...

thnx don. fp'd

thanks emptywheel - actually, re state=good i was referring specifically to the plame-gate issue (i didnt make that clear, and have updated the post to reflect that)

perhaps State=Innocent is more accurate

"therefore then you conclude they must not be their own faction"
actually, i'm arguing that they (State (powell, armitage, grossman) + wilson + scowcroft) aren't a monolithic faction

lukery said...

thnx again ew

"(that is, saying factions must be monolithic)"
i'm not saying that factions must be monolithic - i'm saying that the left-blogosphere seems to be presume that, wrt plame-gate, there is a monolithic faction called 'state' - which includes wilson et al.

"But whas there a bureaucratic struggle involving DOD and OVP v. CIA v. State over who was responsible for dodgy intell? Yup"
sure - agreed - and you (and eR) have done a superb job documenting that. however, as you know, it's my premise that outing plame was (largely) unrelated to dodgy intel re iraq, and (largely) unrelated to GetWilson. It's my premise that plame's outing has more to do with outing BJ (per Sibel) and/or Iran/WMD (per Larisa) - (or perhaps the intersection of both - BJ + WMD)

"I'd say "uninvolved in the organized smear.""
ok - i'll accept that - but this is why i characterize the 'organized smear' focus as "remarkably narrow" - because the assumption inherent in that is that Plame was simply collateral damage in a highly organized, never-likely-to-be-effective, highly-illegal, smear campaign.

if we take a step back, IMO the narrative just doesnt seem to make any sense - in it's simplest form, we had the highest level of the OVP spending hours and hours, in a time of war, intentionally outing a covert agent (and going to enormous lengths to cover their tracks) all for the purpose of possibly, marginally, undermining a war critic by calling him a girly-man because maybe his wife got him a gig 18 months earlier.

Now, it's possible that the situation did play out exactly as outlined - and that somehow there just a series of cascading fuckups - but it does seem kinda unlikely on its face. And when you throw in the fact that the outed CIA agent happened to work for a front company that was apparently investigating some of the same players involved in the outing/smear for serious criminal activity - including WMD trafficking - then I think we ought to take a broader look at events and see if there are other narratives that might also make sense...

but you've heard all this before from me...

Track said...

What if Plame WAS NOT outed? Would BJ's operation have actually led to criminal prosecution of guys like Feith, Perle or Edelman?

There seems to be some strange current of belief (in the blogosphere) that Plame/BJ would have exposed the neocon's Turkey/Iran/Stans illegal activity. I'm not sure the confidence in Plame is well founded. For example look at Tenet. He helped the Bush administration get away with 9/11 and an illegal invasion of Iraq.

Would Plame/BJ's investigations have gone the way of many FBI 9/11 investigations (Rowley, Wiliams, Wright)...stopped at headquarters for political reasons?

lukery said...

noise: "What if Plame WAS NOT outed? Would BJ's operation have actually led to criminal prosecution of guys like Feith, Perle or Edelman?"

good question - remember, sibel sez these investigations have been going on since at least 1997. for better or worse, i can at least consider the argument that it's better to tail these guys and know what they are up to, rather than announce that you are on their tail, and move the same activities to different channels that you might not be able to observe...

noise: "There seems to be some strange current of belief...that Plame/BJ would have exposed the neocon's Turkey/Iran/Stans illegal activity"
that's partly true - but more to the point (AFAIC) is that these people blew the whistle on BJ...