Monday, August 16, 2004


here is the actual survey with actual questions at - of course, i dont read anything into polls - apart from checking inherent bias, and the spin.

notwithstanding stupid AP's title "Poll: Bush Tops Kerry As a Strong Leader" (57 vs 34)(implying that 'strong=good') - on 'stubbornness' 43 'wins' 68 to 12. when i was growing up, being stubborn wasnt really seen as a positive trait. at the same time - it takes some nuance to call someone both stubborn, *and* weak. and we 'dont do nuance'. in fact, its quite amazing that the gap closes so much between the 'stubborn' and 'strong' questions. "Even Bush's own supporters say stubbornness is a trait more associated with Bush than Kerry (59% to 16% among those currently favoring Bush's reelection)."

interestingly - despite jfk=(mass.liberal, frenchlooking, millionairess marrying) and 43=(normalguy who cant speak, on a ranch) theres basically a deadheat wrt 'Personally likable', 'Honest and truthful' and jfk has a 6 point *lead* on 'Cares about people like me' - how bout dem apples.

i love this question "Changes his mind too much?" (this is the only question with the killer 'too much' qualifier) - how bout instead they ask "can change his mind?" or 'who is most flexible?'

cnn are running an ad (ostensibly for their news service!) with a reporter saying 'not all iraqis like gwb, but they all say he's a strong leader' indeed.

in the 'who can better handle: terrorism, foreign policy, iraq, morality, education, economy, jobs, and health' - kerry leads in *all* cept terrorism. yet somehow AP runs with "Bush Tops Kerry As a Strong Leader"

kerry needs a complete new campaign team. and

the other problem of course, is that if 43 has only *one* strength (errorism) - i fear for what that might augur.

in other news, murdoch is running a story today "Bush in rethink on bases overseas" - a) a rethink isnt a flipflop b) the idea that bush actually thought once is doubtful, let alone 're'thinking.

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 13:52:52 -0400
Subject: Re: florida, iraq declared disaster areas

> re: point three. One of the ones that really bug me.
> Flip-flopping, or changing one's mind, is portrayed as evidence of lack
> principle, as opposed to mental dexterity and the ability to continually
> evaluate a situation.
> I want the republicans on my side.
> I always hated people who substituted an opinion for intelligence.
> On 8/15/04 6:37 AM, "" wrote:
> >
> > * "When asked which candidate is more likely to change his mind, 47 percent
> > said Kerry and 28 percent said Bush." why is this question even in a poll?
> > flipflop. its so stupid.
> >
> >

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