Monday, September 20, 2004

gild me lilly

* "The documents, seen by The Telegraph, show more clearly than ever the grave reservations expressed by Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, over the consequences of a second Gulf war and how prescient his Foreign Office officials were in predicting the ensuing chaos." i wonder who leaked these. and why. the headlines about this story point to the warnings abuot civilwar - but the rest of it is much more interesting - no-one thought that the war made any sense in the beginning.

* re niger/plame "Italian diplomats have claimed that, by disseminating bogus documents stating that Iraq was trying to buy low-grade "yellowcake" uranium from Niger, France was trying to "set up" Britain and America in the hope that when the mistake was revealed it would undermine the case for war, which it wanted to prevent." hmmmm. or josh marshall

* "the Gallup Poll, despite its reputation, assumes that this November 40% of those turning out to vote will be Republicans, and only 33% will be Democrat." sweet.

* "US determined to cut out 'cancer of Fallujah'" i also heard someone say the other day that they were gonna 'purify it'. nice.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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