Monday, September 20, 2004

shuddup and drive

* "McCain, speaking on "Fox News Sunday," cited as mistakes the toleration of looting after the successful U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and failures to secure Iraq's borders or prevent insurgents from establishing strongholds within the country. He said a ground offensive was urgently needed to retake areas held by insurgents.
"We've got to take out the sanctuaries. We're going to have to sustain, tragically, some more casualties. Airstrikes don't do it; artillery doesn't do it. Boots on the ground do it," McCain said.
"And the longer we delay ...the more difficult the challenge is going to be and the more casualties we will incur," he said.
McCain also called for enlarging the U.S. Army by 70,000 soldiers and the Marines by 20,000 to 25,000."

* "Despite deep differences with Syria, Washington has initiated talks with Damascus in an effort to create a military-to-military relationship to help stabilize war-torn Iraq" wtf!

* "In the new Times poll, 48 percent of women supported the president, compared with Mr. Kerry's 43 percent - a reversal from July, when Mr. Kerry had the women's vote 52 to 40 percent." who knew? so many swinging femvoters.

* "The main British combat force in Iraq, about 5,000-strong, will be reduced by around a third by the end of October... The forthcoming 'drawdown' of British troops in Basra has not been made public and is likely to provoke consternation in both Washington and Baghdad.",6903,1307968,00.html this is all quite interesting - worth a read - but it all kind of misses the point - tony bliar is removing british heads from iraq the week before the US election - at a time when kerry and edwards are promoting the 'bush=draft' thingy. and/but blair is apparently being quiet about it. wheres the famous spin? in fact, what on earth is the logic? if u pull troops out, it seems that its cos youve won, or cos youve lost, or to win political points at home (or they are needed elsewhere). if blair continues to be quiet about it, then it seems we can rule out a) and c) my conspiratorial hypothesis is that the brit troops are being pulled cos bliar doesnt want em to be around when the us goes ballistic in iraq on nov 4 or whenever? not a pretty thought.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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