Wednesday, September 22, 2004

i will survive

* the cbs thing is funny. i dont believe that liberal bias was involved, and (yet?) its hard to imagine them stuffing it up so much. and Rather didnt need to defend them so vigourously for so long, even when he knew they smelt. he sold out. bigtime. heres an interesting snippet from the nyt "In a posting on an e-mail newsletter for Texas Democrats, Mr. Burkett wrote yesterday, "Don't believe everything you read - even from CBS."" i couldnt find the original email. i wonder what he means.

* "Keeping America safe from attack is the central theme of the president's re-election campaign. Why then—except for a rally last month at a Boeing plant where a piece of the program is manufactured—has he scarcely mentioned missile defense?" this is worth a read

* "The Independent Iraqi Electoral Commission, set up here after the transfer of sovereignty to Iraqis on June 28, has begun preparing for the mammoth task of registering an estimated 12 million Iraqi voters, beginning Nov. 1 in about 600 offices around the country" - apparently this has been the delaying factor all along - getting voter regisrtations - what isnt obvious is why this didnt take place 18 months ago. nor is it obvious why the existing electoral roles couldnt be used (or some other existing files - it was a police state/democracy remember - they had files.)

* why dont the jihadmen use gloria gaynors 'i will survive' as the theme song?

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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