Wednesday, September 22, 2004

no rabbit losses today

* 43 did that 'serious consequences' thing *in* the UN. amazing. all balls. no shame. im sure his head will explode one day - just from him trying to process the different realities. cognitive dissin. ance.

* "Now, we face the classic dilemma of counterinsurgency: If you focus on defeating the enemy militarily, the collateral damage in property and innocent lives will turn the populace against you. But if you hold back in the hope of placating civilians, you give the rebels the upper hand in the fight. We can't gain the support of the Iraqi people until we ensure security, and we can't assure security without alienating the Iraqi people." its difficult to find a story without some version of this sentence. from either 'side'

* danrather should go. like jaysonblair. judymiller et al should keep their jobs.

* dont convert to islam. cf cat stevens. they are so silly and cheap that they diverted the flight after they found out he was a terrorist. isnt security sposed to pick this shiit up *b4* the flight? its all so awful. nb: if u r a terrorist, make sure u blow up the plane at the *start* of the trip.

* re fallujah: 'but we were *saving* the village'

* imagine if they ban 527s, but allow fauxnews et al to keep broadcasting

* kerry really has to drop the "i have (x) words for those people"

* kerry "Now he said, "Let me put it plainly. The president's policy in Iraq has not strengthened our national security. It has weakened it."" john - listen to me - it works much better like this: "Let me put it plainly. The president's policy in Iraq has weakened our national security." or even better ""Let me put it plainly. he has made our world more dangerous. for us. The president's policy in Iraq has weakened our national security."" - please drop the 'not strengthened' thing. practise when you are at home. think about the soundbite. $100mill+ to run for president - can we get some farkin media training? ill do it myself. for free. i can even fit in with your schedule. it wont take long. or i can do it by remote. heres a tip for starters anyway: watch the tv when you are getting some coverage and ask yerself 'could i have said that more clearly?' - and in case u still dont get it - take my other two tips without thinking any more - drop the 'i have (x) words for u' and drop the unnecessary precursors to your statements - cf 'has not strengthened security' or 'its not accounting, its a colossal failure' - the 'colossal failure' bit stands all by itself. its not about dumbing down the msg - its simple efficacy.

* 43 re missile defence 'we can say to teerrorists with illegal nukes - u fire cos we're gonna shoot it down' - thats really wot he said - not exact - i heard him on the teeve (not verbatim - i cant quickly find the quote). bring it on. no upside. and no-one thinks the system is ready (if it will ever be) - im not convinced they could hit australia at the moment. is he crazy? is it pure cronyism? is there something else going on?

* xymph on rathergate - to the extent that we accept his premise, and it seems as reasonable as anything else, then we have 2 specific issues: a) this scam originated at least as far back as march - in fact, they took initial overt action back then - so it was being plotted way b4 then. what odds kerry can catch up (defense *and* offense) in a few weeks? b) given that this was activated in march, we can assume that rove also has other things planted - ready to activate as needed - either for offense, or defense. rove knows what 43's weak spots are, and he has mapped out possible dem responses, and will have them covered. rove sleeper cells everywhere.

* kerry just sed "its not about 'staying the course' its about 'changing the course" sweet line.

* " (AP) — Midwest Airlines canceled a flight ready to take off for San Francisco after a passenger found Arabic-style handwriting in the company's in-flight magazine and alerted the crew."
Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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