* faux news '90% of princeton staff donated to kerry'
* sean hannity: 'i disagree with the pres to ban 527s'
* "Political pundits are saying President George W. Bush has made gains in two key states: dazed and confused." David Letterman
* "Dick Cheney said that if John Kerry wins, there will be another attack. Then Cheney said, if Bush wins, I'll call it off." Conan O'Brien
* " Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader's name can appear on Florida ballots for the election, *despite a court order* to the contrary" http://olympics.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=politicsNews&storyID=6224278
* krug: "U.S. news organizations are under constant pressure to report good news from Iraq. In fact, as a Newsweek headline puts it, "It's worse than you think."" http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/14/opinion/14krugman.html
* "The virtue of TedKennedy's speech is that it makes clear that all the missteps leading up to the war and all the blunders afterward were not mere mistakes but the product of an "arrogant ideological incompetence" that had seized the administration and rendered it inept." teddy 4 president. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19108-2004Sep13.html
* "Cheney launched his salvos at Kerry on the same day that American deaths in Iraq reached the 1,003 mark with 7,000 more wounded soldiers." this '7000 wounded' number seems to becoming convential wisdom. the real number is near 20000. helenthomas should know better. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/190578_thomas14.html
* evilcheney: ""What happened in Russia has demonstrated conclusively that everyone is a target," he said. "I think there will be a higher degree of cooperation from all countries as we move forward." (worth a read. chilling.) its funny how every country gets terroristed except the us. its funny how every country gets hostaged except the us. funny how sunberg was i think the first, and then pauljohnson (in saudi). and thats it. funny how that cache of orangejumpsuits seemed to disappear once the purpose had been achieved. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18906-2004Sep13.html
* nyt op "the Bush administration has from time to time found it convenient to distort science to serve political ends. The result is a purposeful confusion of scientific protocols in which "sound science" becomes whatever the administration says it is. In the short run, this is a tactic to override basic environmental protections in favor of industry. In the long run, it undermines the authority of science itself... This administration seems to make no accommodation for anything besides humans' economic desires. Any creature in the way may find itself legislated, litigated or regulated out of existence." sell your stocks in publishers of books on darwinism. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/14/opinion/14tue3.html
* "The collapse fits the pattern of terrorism cases brought by the Ashcroft Justice Department. They begin with frightening assertions of dark plots. They tend to end with barely more than an immigration violation or a false-document charge. Or not even that." (and we see exactly the same in the uk and oz) (btw - ashcroft is the chief champion of the latest ak47 thingy)
* "I used to have sympathy for Colin Powell, the supposed adult among the neocon kindergartners who pushed this nation into war in Iraq. Now I see him merely as a boxer who has taken one too many dives. And he has been doing so to protect a no-good mob." he ought be tried and hung with the rest of them. separately. the un speech was a sad sad day. http://www.thenation.com/capitalgames/index.mhtml?bid=3&pid=1816
* afghan election in less than 4 weeks. iraq in less than 4 months.
* " it seems like just about everyday I learn something new about how little the government is doing to stop terrorists from killing me with a nuclear bomb... Unfortunately, 43s team also scuttled the verification elements (of the Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty), which makes it worthless. The stated reason is that verification would be too expensive. So nuclear terrorism is the ultimate threat, but not so ultimate that it's worth spending money on." http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleId=8493
* if words dont meaning anything, then words dont meaning anything.
Your More Fears. Your More Fears.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
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