Wednesday, September 15, 2004

schnell fenster

* xymph on memogate2 - a similar scenario to my original hypothesis (as is often the case - although im always a few days ahead ;-) - i guess thats why i like him/her!) - xymph goes back to rove/hadly. btw - if u havent seen the docu about the hatfield book with sanderhicks, its pretty good.

* and like i sed previously, wait for kittykelley to walk straight into the same booby trip. the lauer/3consecutiveday thing is astonishing.

* the ozzie hostage/iraq thing hasnt been confirmed

* spain has just releaased security pix from madrid311 - cnn is doing a long bit on them, and revisiting the whole thing. (and followed it up immediately with the indobomb thing)

* speaking of indo, the whole thing is getting bizarra. theres some discrepancy about whether there was one or 3 suicide bombers. it seems they cant get the story rite somehow. theyve been able to count and identify bodies of innocent people - but apparently there are some left over bodies who somehow are all presumed to be suicide bombers. all aside from the fact that i cant conceive the logic of having more than one suicide bomber per event.
- and then its starts to get fun
"MOST of a severed head, which included the scalp and most of the face, that probably belonged to a suicide bomber was found on the fifth floor of an office building next door, Indonesian forensic investigators said on condition of anonymity... one of the most important finds in recent days. "
"The location was similar to that of the suicide bomber's head found after the Marriott Hotel blast in the city. Asmar Latin Sani's head was found on a fifth floor after last year's Marriott bombing, catapulted through the vehicle roof by the force of the explosives." im not kidding. it sounds more like they are planting them where they can be found a few days later??? i dunno.
and this also sounds a bit dodgy:
"Inspector-General Suyitno said the dark glass used in the truck windows, and glare from the sun, made it difficult to use the closed circuit security television footage to determine how many people were in the truck",5744,10770662%255E2703,00.html

* ftr murdocks top story is anti-latham, and 9 election stories and only then a single tepid story about the ozhostages in iraq vs smh which leads with 5 hostage stories. im still curious that it was murdoch who did the scrafton/kidsoverboard story.

* (btw - i dont know what to make of that 911planesite docu. some of their arguments seem stronger than others. im not sure of the pod thing, or the flash thing, or even the 'no plane at pentagon' thing - altho remember that odd story of rumsfeld with a part of the plane on his desk - that story was the first time i started to consider the possibilty that there was no plane. i reckon i have pretty good antennae for picking up fauxstories - and the rummy/plane story smelt.)

* if the ozhostage story is a hoax, that will be the fourth consecutive day that faux stories are the top stories - first the sms, then hostages.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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