Thursday, September 23, 2004

nepo 101

* ari1's brother owns a company with bremer " ...waiting exactly one month after the September 11 attacks they launched Crisis Consulting Practice, a security company selling "terrorism risk insurance" to multinationals. "

* i like grainy videos

* jfk2 has a cold and a croaky voice. ive never seen so much of him on fox. minute after minute of jfks mogging. nice. dont change hoarses mid-apocalypse.

* nyt op "Instead, Mr. Bush delivered an inexplicably defiant campaign speech in which he glossed over the current dire situation in Iraq for an audience acutely aware of the true state of affairs, and scolded them for refusing to endorse the American invasion in the first place."

* former bush speechwriter and neocon david frum: "Lovely speech by the president to the UN – but a question. What happened to the Iran paragraph?" - which is an interesting question, even if it was made for hawkish reasons. why didnt bush mention it? cos he has gone off the idea of invading iran? wrong. cos he has gone cold on 'fighting terror'? wrong. cos he doesnt want the usdom audience to think that they are gonna get drafted? maybe. cos it doesnt matter what the un thinks? maybe.

* how many dudes you know flow like this? not many

* cnn's screenbanner during a catstevens piece: "Terror Diverted"

* "Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe issued this statement: “In today’s New York Post, Roger Stone, who became associated with political ‘dirty tricks’ while working for Nixon, refused to deny that he was the source the CBS documents."

* my digital still camera has better video than any unheader.

* videotaping unheadings of hostages is really bad. is it becos they are white? or cos unheading is brutal? or is the problem with the taping? or the sobbing and the screams? or the pleas? or cos they are innocent? lots of people were praying for them?

* hamdi is released, uncharged. another gitmo muslim priest interpreter case fell over.

* re 'non'-voters "Young voters prefer Democrat John Kerry to President Bush by a margin of 46 percent to 40 percent, according to an MTV Choose or Lose poll... Three in four Americans under the age of 30 say they are registered, and eight in 10 of those registered voters say they definitely plan to vote... if the election were between John Kerry and George W. Bush, Kerry's lead increases to ten points, 51 to 41 percent."
...and some brief analysis for those of u who remain hopeful about american democracy or polls: so jfk has a 15% lead, 20% without nader. i wonder how that matches up wrt the swinger states. praps we send out a fear campaign that 43 will ban jon stewart like they are trying to do with howard stern... or praps the msg is that 43 will increase the drugwar *which will double the price of pot*, and theyll run ads telling your folks how to tell when you are high.

"They are more in agreement, however, when it comes to the draft: most (78 percent) oppose its reinstatement, and most (59 percent) think it will probably not be reinstated." hmmm - does that mean that 41% think it probably will? do they know it includes *everyone* - and not some vague lottery thing?

again, we've got 80% of 75% (=60%) of voters who 'will definitely vote' - and they are 15-20% projfk. the non-registered were apparently asked 2 questions: 1) are u regiestered? 2) why arent u registered? from wot i can gather registrations are open for a few more weeks - why arent people asking the non-registered at least a third question 3) will u register? or 4) will u vote? or 5) who will u vote for? or even 6) who would u vote for?

heres the thing - all/most of the polls are taken over the (land) phone, and usually measure 'registered voters' - the younger voters are less likely to be registered, even if they intend to vote, and young people dont answer the home phone. ergo, if the polls point to an 'extremely close' election without measuring these people, then praps a high young-turnout could make a difference - esp with the jonstewart factor and general democraticness amongst kiddies and praps even fear of the draft, or even economic issues (the youth unemployment must be terrible - altho i dont know the figures)

* i couldnt find the oreilly/stewart vid - but heres a transcript

* btw - there were some odd stories here that i actually picked up on the radio in the car last week that there were some oz cases of "Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease" in the hospitals or something. aka cjd, aka madcowdisease - but i never heard the 'mad cow' words, and it seemed to disappear. commpared with, say, when they killed most of the entire british cow pop (?) for the same reason. maybe i got it wrong or something. or u mite remember the brouhaha about the one (or mebbe 2) madcow cases in the us *in cows* - here i think we had it in people and hospitals and it didnt seem to make more than half a splash. odd.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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