Friday, October 22, 2004

happiness is some worn gum

* jennings on dshow "Their take on it is fabulous, and is reminiscent of how we talk in the newsroom but don't put on the air. So Jon and his people talk about politics the way we do." is there anyone *not* talking about jons?

* i wish someone at cbs would leak the niger thing

* cheney did hannity. 43 is there on monday,2933,136131,00.html

* the repugs have the demplan in florida for the next 2 weeks. somehow. and they gave it to the media. for some reason.

* arnie has joined the stump fray. didnt he say just last week that he wouldnt cos he needed to do some work in ca?

* why was jonk wearing cammos? repugs wouldnt do that.

* 43 is only 30% for PA @ tsports

* "I would rather have a war against the terrorists fought somewhere else than in our country," said Ann Melendy, 53, a homemaker from Brentwood, N. H. "Someday we would have to face them anyway. Better to face them in Iraq than here" i cant believe they successfully sold this idea. dems w/couldnt do that.

* i wanna watch jons on election night. i bet i cant :-(

* i havent heard about diebold et al much - its prolly a much bigger concern than the registration theft that is going on

Four Score More Beers. Four Score More Beers.

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