Tuesday, October 12, 2004

im a good steward of kryptonite

* boo " Federal officials said Friday there is no terrorist connection to a computer disk found in Iraq that contained information about schools in six states." http://www.boston.com/dailynews/282/wash/U_S_officials_say_no_terror_th:.shtml

* wednesday is national freewayblogger day http://www.freewayblogger.com/freewayfreespeechday.htm

* i just saw furiousgeorge say this, tuffly: "our goal is not to reduce terrorism to some acceptable level of nuisance"

* "About 10.5 million registration cards were handed out for the election, a number that U.N. and Afghan officials say was inflated by widespread double registration." i love the 'double registration' spin - as though there isnt anyone with more than 2 votes. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041010/ap_on_re_as/afghan_election_16

* apropos the disappearing online poll-results last week after the debate, if someone turns off a computer at a booth in florida or ohio on nov2nd we'll see the same thing. well, hopefully we'll see it. probably not. all the voter-registration efforts will be wasted. and all the adspend.

* i read someone 'the amount spent on the wmd goosechase is about the same as the amount spent on reconstruction in iraq' - which is kinda cute. i think the actual numbers are 900m vs 1.7bn or something. close enough.

* there are 2 novice repug guys running a security sham in iraq - their names are messers battles and custer, giving the firm the name 'custer battles'. and it just gets better from there http://bodyandsoul.typepad.com/blog/2004/10/custer_and_the_.html

* fauxnews is doing the 'obl is dressed up like a shia cleric and his looks have changed and he's in iran'

* i havent been following the sadr deal - but the tv just told me that to clean up the streets, the ams are paying $1000 for each launcher or something, and they cost $200 on the street. calling rhett butler...

* "Shortly after Massey arrived in Iraq, his unit was ordered to man roadblocks. To stop cars, the Marines would raise their hands. If the drivers kept going, Massey says, “we would just light ’em up. I didn’t find out until later on, after talking to an Iraqi, that when you put your hand up in the air, it means ‘Hello.’” He estimates that his men killed 30 civilians in one 48-hour period." can we leave yet? http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2004/11/10_400.html

* "FBI fears terrorists will target Washington state ferries... The Seattle Times report also noted that many of the total of 157 incidents reported by the FBI turned out to be passengers who appeared to be Middle Eastern travellers simply using cameras or cellphones." http://www.canada.com/vancouver/story.html?id=4fb604ab-ac83-4616-a5f5-256aa2929af6

* "The tax bill, which the Senate approved 69-17, began as an effort to help U.S. exporters avoid European tariffs. But as Republican leaders hunted for votes, it swelled into the most profound rewrite of the corporate tax code in two decades." the pork barrel of a gun. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=4&u=/ap/20041012/ap_on_go_co/congress_rdp

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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