Friday, October 01, 2004

in other news, bliar apparently has a heart

* "But it turns out that there is another side to Justice Antonin Scalia: he thinks Americans ought to be having more orgies.
Challenged about his views on sexual morality, Justice Scalia surprised his audience at Harvard University, telling them: "I even take the position that sexual orgies eliminate social tensions and ought to be encouraged."" good heavens. quackquack.,12271,1317386,00.html

* syhersh on jonstewart - good watch -

* "No president who has presided over Abu Ghraib should ever say he wants to put anyone on a leash. That's all."

* krug "Mr. Bush and other administration officials often talk about the 10.5 million Afghans who have registered to vote in this month's election, citing the figure as proof that democracy is making strides after all. They count on the public not to know, and on reporters not to mention, that the number of people registered considerably exceeds all estimates of the eligible population. What they call evidence of democracy on the march is actually evidence of large-scale electoral fraud."

* btw - i think kerry should cool it a bit about 'allies' - or at least find a convincing way to present it

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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