Friday, October 01, 2004

Security Smarms

* "But let's also be clear about what has happened here: CBS News has ceased to be a news organization."
id love to know why rove is so scared of this niger documentary... it seems the perfect time for them to let some steam of out the story...

* cnn are doing the live 'we're waiting at downing st for blair to get in the car to go to hospital' - with live pictures including a bobby - but no blair. this cnn/blair thing has got me fascinated.

* btw - i thought kerry and 43 were both pretty ordinary. the first minutes were miserable - but as g sez "Even Fox had trouble denying" that kerry won...

* the debate reminded me of a college professor talking about exams 'the questions always change, but the answers never do'

* "(AP) - Air Force Reserve officials here, as well as staffers at the White House, were struggling to explain the sudden appearance of a 1974 document in which George W. Bush submitted his resignation from the Reserve, saying he had "inadequate time" to fulfill his duty obligations." this story is getting odder.

* "I wouldn't be surprised if he appeared in the next month." Teresa Heinz Kerry, referring to a possible capture of Osama bin Laden before Election Day." its very odd that this didnt get ridiculed in the media. compared to say 'shove it'. presumably if it was a ridiculous thing to say, then they'd take her down. and her husband by implication. woof woof. (hitchens is a freak)

* apparently cspan had split screens all night. reminder for next time.

* from g "Just saw Aaron McGruder tell that pussy Aaron Brown on CNN the quote of the eve, "what everybody sees, but nobody wants to admit, the elephant in the living room, is that Bush is just dumb! He is not intelligent, not eloquent, and not smart enough to be the President" the footage is stunning. i cant find the transcript yet... it was delish. nigga.

* btw - nice to see bringing up the french degaulle.

* bush: 'weve already got sanctions on iran. u cant sanction em anymore' binarybizaroo world.

* btw - funny to see nthkorea get such space.

* blair must be laughing (not heart-felt) in his wellies that the next leader of the flee world cant hold a thought for 2 minutes.

* bush stuffed up the question about his opponents weakness. he got into family stuff cos he couldnt think of what to say.

* kerrys response to 43s 'i try to put them on leashes': 'ive learnt not to do that'

* 43 'u cant wilt, cos otherwise the world wont be better off' with a shrug. spooky. (im re-watching)

* lehrer asked kerry bout the greatest threat: 'nuclear war. nuclear war.' almost like he rushed to the answer then had to agree with/reinforce himself. where did this come from? he saved himself tho with the bunker buster. and where did the whole bi/multilateral thing come from?

* "Bush, obviously peeved, snapped back, "He forgot Poland." My initial reaction was that this line was going to make pretty good joke fodder on late night TV (insert your own one-liner here), but Julian Sanchez at Hit & Run actually has the best response. Here's what President Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland thinks of the coalition today: "They deceived us about the weapons of mass destruction, that's true. We were taken for a ride.""

* i wish 43 didnt quote christofreakystuff

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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