Thursday, October 14, 2004

its amazing that one of cheneys daughters is straight

* scottritter is gettin bizzy "Saddam has yet to be contradicted on even a single point of substantive fact... Far from showing the intent of Saddam to keep WMD, I believe a full review of all material relevant to the ISG's report will instead portray a dictator whose only desire was to retain his hold on power in the face of a US government which intended to do anything, including violate international law, to prevent this."

* "Bush's political operators have worked overtime to make "angry" a pejorative term this political cycle. They wielded the "too angry" attack against Howard Dean in the primaries, when it seemed Dean would be the Democratic nominee, and it helped destroy Dean's candidacy. Republicans again shouted "too angry" to discredit Al Gore's series of impassioned anti-Bush speeches earlier this year.",15139,1325454,00.html

* i cant believe they are gonna raize fallujah unless zarq is produced. stoopid war criminals.

* a reminder re sinclair - michael powell is the head of the fcc. speaking of current crises re flu vaccine, ari2's brother is head of the fda.

* *one* of the problems with the 'factchecking' nonsense is that they dont seem to correct the record when one of the candidates, lets say, for example, 43, refers to a jonk statement by saying 'thats not true' - ie - if the original statement was true, they dont count the 'thats not true' as a lie.

* " "Washington Times" -- U.S. security officials are investigating a recent intelligence report that a group of 25 Chechen terrorists illegally entered the United States from Mexico in July. " (spooky sauce)

* the best way to combat guncrime is to prosecute people who commit crime with guns. the best way to deal with terrorists is to smoke em out of their caves before they get us.

* 43s view on secularism 'u can choose to worship the almighty, or choose not to worship the almighty'

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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