Friday, October 15, 2004

you sir, are no george hw bush

* are freepers being outfreeped? or is the 'divided (equally) nation' thing just bollox? we saw in oz - the polls had 50/50 to the end.

* all in all - i think we can be happy with the debating season. both from an ABB perspective, and also, a small, rare win for democracy.

* "Despite the official denials, the bulge brouhaha is still ballooning. On Tuesday, the New York Daily News produced a master tailor named Frank Shattuck who, after viewing photos from both debates, confirmed, "There's definitely something there, in between the shoulder blades. I can't say what it is, but it's not hidden very well. They should have come to me. I can hide a pistol under the breast."" right. why would they do such an amateur job?

* blues in the greenzone. yellow zone. orange zone.

* "Mohammed said one man ordered tea and was asked by another cafe employee if they were Iraqis and the man answered, "No, we're Jordanians."" yeah yeah yeah. ok, i get it. jordan = zarq.

* salon is saying that furiousgeorge is still wired

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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