Friday, October 15, 2004

some of my best offspring are gay

* i cant quite tell if fallujah got destroyed or not today - cnn have been blaring about it all day but bbc has been mute. in fact, bbc has had the most benign stories all day.

* btw - re the bombings in the greenzone, the 'we're jordanians' thing sounds completely completely false. which means either that (if im feeling generous) the ciaorwhoever is spinning the event postfact, or (less generously) they did the whole thing themselves. are we gonna givem the benefit of the doubt today? the alternative is really really scary.

* rockthevote got a 'dont u dare' letter from gillespie. these people are evil. evil. evil. evil. evil. evil.

* theres ballot/registration shenanigans going on all over the country - there are at least 5 separate examples. all with direct goplinks. if this was 1999 u wouldnt believe any of them.

* its kinda interesting to ponder jamesbakers kuwait issues ( in light of the fact that he agreed to 270 debatemins

* brentscowcroft sed that sharon has bush wrapped around his finger. which isnt pretty. on any read.

* im tempted to think that the neocons are laughing about the handwringing about the amdead. i imagine a scenario where the neocons are saying 'u aint seen nothing yet' or 'we thought we'd be up to 10000 corpses by now'

* iraq is much worse than it seems.

* apparently cheneys daughter is gay.

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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