Friday, October 15, 2004

our govt wants to take over your bedroom & body, not your health care

* 43: "You cannot solve a problem unless you diagnose the problem."

* speaking of the warren peace president, what happens to the election if jonk gets microbiologisted?

* who remembers the preinvasion peacemarches? 15m people? everyone, in every country, knew, way back then...

* 'New Documentary "Preventive Warriors"'

* jonks 'i think weve got a lot more loving of our neighbours to do' was pretty good.

* in oz, b4 the election, latham got a press question - something like 'would it be honorable to have won the campaign but lost the election?' - i wonder if we'll see something similar in am.

* "Determined to avoid a repeat of high-profile failures in 2000 and 2002, television networks will rely on new systems on Nov. 2 to help project election winners and analyze why voters made their choices, and they have turned to The Associated Press to count the vote for them." great. we know what i think of ap. and now theyre gatekeepin... i feel better.

* "When The New York Post covered the release of the report by the C.I.A.'s chief weapons inspector, Charles Duelfer, it played the story on page 8 and didn't get to the clause "while no stockpiles of W.M.D. were found in Iraq" until the 16th paragraph. This would be an Onion parody were it not deadly serious."

Your More Fears. Your More Fears.

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