Wednesday, November 17, 2004


* oreilly is bragging that a) he predicted peterson would be found guilty b) peterson deserved it cos the prosecution did a good job to show that peterson was a bad guy. and thats a good thing. he changed the color of his hair!

* heres a mention of that other walkrhyme murder i saw in fallujah that i mentioned yesterday "We would never know how US soldiers are breaching the Geneva Conventions but for a renegade video aired by Australian ABC television. In it, a Marine shouts: “I’ve just injured one. He’s between two buildings”. One of his colleagues walks over to a tiny alleyway separating two houses, climbs up onto a metal drum, and fires his weapon in cold blood. “He’s done,” he announces flippantly."
i actually thought i saw it on the beeb as well...§ion=0&article=54568&d=16&m=11&y=2004

* heres that abc video

* "When U.S. President George W. Bush arrives in Ottawa — probably later this year — should he be welcomed? Or should he be charged with war crimes?" canada is toast.

* for a reminder of the new sec of state - heres jons post 911comm on condi - one of his finer moments

* "The National Field Director and deputy political director for the Republican National Committee Daniel Gurley solicited unprotected sex and multiple sex partners in an online profile at, in seeming contradiction with the Party’s call for abstinence and positions on gay issues." ha.

* its absurd how much media that marine shooting thingy has generated. theres a reason... im not exactly sure what.

* um - is 43 checking condi out after he introduces her?

Four more years. Seriously.

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