Tuesday, November 16, 2004

purge iraq. purge cia. purge state. purge justice. splurge.

* "Whether voters named "moral values" their key issue partly depended on whether that subject was included in a list of choices provided by pollsters, according to a Pew Research Center analysis released Thursday." fancy that... the dems really gotta be much smarter than they often demonstrate... go read the article to see how the whole thing got distorted "4% mentioned social issues like gay marriage and abortion". stoopid. stoopid. will they never learn? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041112/ap_on_el_pr/voters_moral_values

* "Last Tuesday, the American Life League ripped into the Bush administration for its silence on Specter and its decision to make Alberto Gonzales, who is less than staunchly anti-abortion, the new attorney general. "President Bush appears to be doing all that he can to downright ignore pro-life principle," wrote Judie Brown, the group's president. "Why is President Bush betraying the babies?"" make it stop.

* "Here's what 'parent-fag/new-RNC-Chair Kenny Mehlman had to say about Rick Santorum's obnoxious remarks comparing being gay to incest and adultery:
White House political director Ken Mehlman calls Santorum "one of the original compassionate conservatives." - AP, 4/21/03" http://americablog.blogspot.com/archives/2004_11_01_americablog_archive.html#110058122072010935

* i wonder what would happen if there was some embedded footage of an 'insurgent' killing a wounded, unarmed, grunt - would we hear that s/he was shot in the face the previous day? or that there was some fighting nearby? or anything about 'the fog of war'? or that ams wouldnt hesitate to any 'dirty tricks' like pretending they are dead so that they can kill some of the satan/enemy? or any questions about whether it is a walkrhyme or not? as rummy says emphatically 'they behead people' as though that is the final answer which justifies anything and everything. including killing many people who dont do such things.

* grrrrrrrrrr
Four more years. Seriously.

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