Saturday, November 27, 2004

freep at last. freep at last. thank dog almighty, we can freep at last

* stephen roach: " America has no better than a 10 percent chance of avoiding economic ``armageddon.''"

* i went fishing t'other day. we had fish for dinner.

* the danrather thing is funny for some reasons - mostly the fact that bloggers led to his downfall. which is fine. except that only rightwing bloggers get any cred for anything. bloggers are the vanguard of journalism or some such when they get drather - even tho rathergate appeared to be a rovian plant which discredited some memos cos of some apparent typographical issues (which really never got resolved), and it deflected attention about a real story - but non-r.wing bloggers are 'internet conspiracists' or some such.

* btw - in your non-luke worlds, is votergate getting any airtime? are real people suspicious about the amelection? and if so, how are they feeling? are they scared?

* btw - the iraq jan election timetable is looking dodgy. hopefully u all filled up when tsports was 80. im not sure if its time to close those positions... praps we liquidate a third of the position, and take the free ride on the residual. seems to me that the ams truly dont give a fuck about the elections. and the whole 'declare victory and leave' thingy seems totally misguided - similarly the idea/goal of a democratic iraq. the ams dont give a fuck about democracy, or the pretense of democracy, and they certainly dont wanna leave. or even 'win'.

* we have aviaries. one of the birds used some string to build its nest - seems it went to fly off at some point but didnt count on the string wrapped around its leg. i found it hanging upside down - dracula style.

* brd has had to cancel his trip to tehran this w/end. good news.

* speaking of iran, could anyone really have predicted that they'd use the same anonymous/singlesource/cpowell/wmd quadrumvirate again? or could anyone have predicted the ukr exitpoll thingy? i mean, seriously. its like they are just making fun of everyone, and enjoying the joke(s) privately. i cant quite find the words. does 'irony' still qualify? 'ironic juxtaposition'? or is it 'hyper-irony'? or 'absence of irony'? are there other languages which somehow encapsulate it better? could shakespeare describe it? was that the goal of the egadmin? to render shakespeare quaint? farcer than farce. tragicer than tragic. etc? it was 2 years ago when we discussed orwell rolling in his gravy - what words/concepts are left to describe it all? and wtf is it gonna be like in 4 years? how on earth are we gonna possibly describe the situation? perhaps we'll create some new words. or maybe we've already found the right words - the concept of 'bizzaroworld' will simply keep expanding to describe what we are seeing - altho thats kinda cheating.

Four more years. Seriously.

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