Sunday, November 28, 2004

filthy lukr

* ""Why is it that people have the right to get on the Internet and spread this hatred and insanity without there being some curb, some law," said General John Abizaid, the chief of the US Central Command." the internet is toast.

* "Congress has stepped up its campaign to curtail the power of the International Criminal Court, threatening to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in economic aid to governments that refuse to sign immunity accords shielding U.S. personnel from being surrendered to the tribunal."

* "YESTERDAY, 23 MPs across the political parties laid before the House of Commons a motion calling for a select committee to examine the case for impeaching the Prime Minister for his conduct over the war in Iraq."

* i wonder how neddo would look in one of the sunberg-style orange jumpsuits. praps zarq might do a tomridge and choose a different colorcode to designate iranic sourcing.

* "The head of Turkey's parliamentary human rights group has accused Washington of genocide in Iraq and behaving worse than Adolf Hitler"

* neocreep aznar is testifying at the 311comm this coming week.

* "The United States, stung by insurgent attacks in Iraq, has urged the international community to consider banning all sales of anti-tank and other heavy landmines, but ruled out its participation in an international conference on mines designed to maim or kill people... the Pentagon deems it necessary to have landmines at its disposal "either to save US forces in the field or to save allied forces or to save a population that we are protecting."" sweet.

* "Baghdad sources tell Asia Times Online an American assault on Mosul - a city of 1 million - is inevitable. Allawi does not control even a kebab stand in multi-ethnic Mosul. The west bank of the Tigris is under total control of the resistance. The east bank is controlled by both Kurdish political parties and their peshmergas (paramilitaries). And the Turkoman minority controls a few sectors inside the city. There's a mini civil war already going on. Mosul is already the Iraqi Sarajevo." (atimes is generally really good, altho this journo can be a lil hyperbolic)

* parently farc wanted to kill 43 when he was in chile - the cnn presenter/interviewer asks with a staight face 'what would be the motive?'

Four more years. Seriously.

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