Thursday, November 11, 2004


* from g - and further to the murder rate bit, it turns out that murders in the blue states are amongst those involved with crime - but in the redstates, its just normal people killing each other.

* "The U.S. military and Iraqi commanders estimated that up to 200 Iraqi troops had resigned in faalujah, with another 200 "on leave."" (this was monday - i wonder what the numbers are now)

* "Tony Blair's former senior diplomatic adviser on Europe has accused the Prime Minister, and George Bush, of acting illegally over the war on Iraq."

* " It emerged last night that the suicide bomber responsible for three of the BlackWatch deaths is thought to be a white European, raising fears he may be linked to international terrorists rather than local"

* ""The ideologies of the two parties are too different. I don't see how healing can take place. I feel like the disenfranchised minority now, and that's a funny thing for a tall, good-looking, married, white guy like me to say."" straight white people: youre next.

* "Mr. Kerry's aides said his efforts to turn the election to the economy were drowned out by news from Iraq as well as Mr. Bush's focus on cultural issues. The slide worsened as the final days of the campaign were dominated by two overseas topics, Osama bin Laden's videotaped message that was released on the weekend before the election and the missing explosives in Iraq.
"News events were driving this, including the Osama bin Laden tape, at the end," said Robert Shrum, a senior adviser to Mr. Kerry. "The economy was not driving the news coverage."" bush on terror. jonk on the economy. its gonna be a close election.

* "Assaults on cities serve symbolic purposes: they are set showpieces to demonstrate resolve and inculcate fear. To that end, large numbers of casualties are required: they are not an accidental byproduct but the aim. That was the thinking behind 9/11, and Falluja risks becoming a horrible mirror-image of that atrocity.",3858,5057424-103677,00.html

* will gonzales be any better than ashcroft? can we have a ceiling on texans in the whitehouse. say 70%? how about at least a limit on the # of people related to enron?

* some examgrunt type on cnn 'the road to mission accomplishment lays in doing xyz' - the road to intentions to develop mission accomplishment program related activities. heres a personal message from me to repugs: SHUT THE FUCK UP. WE WANT OUR LANGUAGE BACK.

* "As a former C.P.A and auditor, I have used statistical sampling throughout my career with great confidence.... exitpoll reliability can be, not plus or minus 4 percent as we see with predictive poplls, but rather a much more reliable plus or minus one half or one tenth of one percent with exit polls, because those are based on asking people who already voted. I would even say that if the exit polling were done in the key precincts of Florida and Ohio, which it was, then these results should be practically “bullet proof.” ... We have a Watergate story here that could give the media a post election explosive news story that could make the 2000 Florida vote debacle look like small potatoes. We need to get the media to see that votergate 2004 is huge news and we need to quickly fund the investigation and get Democratic leaders behind it." ( Sheldon Drobny is CPA and Venture Capitalist and co-founder of Air America Radio)

Four more years. Seriously.

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