Saturday, November 27, 2004

Let Freedom Lukraine

* am back on deck. my bro was here. hope u didnt miss me.

* did i miss anything? did you?

* ive been trying to follow a few things - iraq, iran, ukraine, amelection, amfascism et al.

* the ukraine thing is kinda my favourite at the mo - and my favourite bit of my favourite thing is the silo reporting - it appears that theres a taboo where its parently not allowable to draw any analogies between ukr and am. its very funny.

* i also love the fact that the ukr exitpolls are largely unmentionable lest some idiot actually recognise the parallels between ukr & am.

* the assumption in ukr seems to be that 'the people' are actually correct, and the election was stolen, although i havent (yet) actually seen anything specific that convinces me one way or other... praps if i actually take a closer look then that will change. in the meantime, ill prolly work on the assumption that it was actually stolen. from where i sit at the mo it looks like there is more evidence that the amelection was stolen... cept there arent any peep on the streets in am. with any luck, some ams might wake up and 'do a ukr'

* if ams dont take the cue in the next few weeks then the future looks bleak.

* is a good place to catch up on some of the detail of the amelections and vfraud and recounts et al over the last week

* bevharris has launched a specific lawsuit in fl.

* iraq of course is a farkin mess. people are actually dying there would u believe????

* im outraged at the thinly veiled racism in the owens/sheridan mnf/dh thingy.

Four more years. Seriously.

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