Saturday, November 27, 2004


* "Two more senior officials of the Central Intelligence Agency's clandestine service are stepping down"

* " The U.S. news media is making clear that the truth about these electoral anomalies must be told. Of course, the election in question occurred in the Ukraine." hey kettle - u black, man.

* " "You're not such a scary guy," joked krove's tour guide. "Yes, I am," Rove replied. Walking away, he muttered deliberately and loudly, "I change Constitutions, I put churches in schools ...""

* "The U.S. government knew of an imminent plot to oust Venezuela's leftist president, Hugo Chávez, in the weeks prior to a 2002 military coup that briefly unseated him, newly released CIA documents show, despite White House claims to the contrary a week after the putsch."

* "The Rev. Jesse Jackson said he plans a Sunday rally in Columbus with ministers from around Ohio to call for an investigation of election irregularities in the state."

* boulder weekly does a 911 cover story

* for g: " the administration is considering eliminating the deduction of state and local taxes on federal income-tax returns" - i think that texans and floridians dont pay state income taxes, ergo the ny/ca'ers et al will disproportionately get hit. of course, bluestates already subsidise the redstates. time to secede.

* from the same article "the administration is considering scrapping the business tax deduction for employer-provided health insurance" which really is priceless.

Four more years. Seriously.

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