Saturday, November 06, 2004

Never Say Die-bold

* "Five days before the presidential election, the New York Times killed a story about the mysterious object George W. Bush wore on his back during the presidential debates" i wonder if they'll run it now.

* "The human error specifically was precinct officials getting nervous or overwhelmed by the number of people voting, and then failing to properly follow protocol to count the ballots in the machine, he said.
That led to some races showing votes of negative 25 million, Munroe said... Also, there were 20 to 30 machines that needed to be recalibrated during the voting process because some votes for a candidate were being counted for that candidate's opponent, Munroe said... About a dozen machines needed to be reset because they essentially froze... "

* "That mysterious bulge on President Bush’s back during the first presidential debate was not an electronic device feeding him answers, but a strap holding his bulletproof vest in place.
But sources in the Secret Service told The Hill that Bush was wearing a bulletproof vest, as he does most of the time when appearing in public. The president’s handlers did not want to admit as much during the campaign, for fear of disclosing information related to his personal security while he was on the campaign trail." phew. glad we got that sorted out. finally. now that the campaign is over, parently no-one wants to shoot the pres.

* i wonder if saddam has a lawyer yet

* we never did see larry flynt :-(

* " In one of the busiest precincts in Columbus, Blackwell only supplied it with three voting machines."

* The exit poll question: Which issue mattered most in deciding how you voted for president? Here are the results:
Moral Values (22%) 18% 80%
Economy/Jobs (20%) 80% 18%
Terrorism (19%) 14% 86%
Iraq (15%) 73% 26%
Health Care (8%) 77% 23%
Taxes (5%) 43% 57%
Education (4%) 73% 26%

* the kerrykrats should be *hung* for allowing the 'moralvalues' answer to be in this questionnaire. hung. and drawn. and probably quartered.
are they trying to lose 2008 already? and do a lot of damage in the interim? fucking seriously. havent i fucking taught them anything? look at the numbers - if u vote for jonk cos u think prochoice is a moral issue, or cos stemcell research is a moral issue. or cos u think its immoral that a president lie to go to war. or that u think war is morally bad, you have inadvertently/effectively given bushs homophobia, antiscience position, and anti-abortion agenda an apparent mandate. and in doing so, given the repugs the talking point where they can say that moralvalues are the number one issue in the country. if you take away the misleading jonk share - the moralvalues falls from first on the list to third - promoting the economy and terrorism. stupid dems.

Four more years. Seriously.

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