Sunday, November 28, 2004

RE: stanksgiving

yeah - it looks like a revote is prolly the only way...

but so long as there is some doubt, then if things start to happen (cf NH and ohio recounts, or the gao investigation or whatever) then there is the chance that it could take off... or we could get some sort of critical mass in street protests once there is a trigger of some sort. mebbe. or praps if the dec13 thingy is delayed, then peeps wont be able to help but notice and have a closer look.

it seems that there is a bunch of peeps who belatedly half-realised that 2000 was stolen - if theres a trigger of any kind, the bush-haters and the moveon'ers and the sorryeverybody'ers could conceivably mobilise pretty quickly.

"But, from all accounts, a complete hand recount (ohio) will happen, and happen within a week and a half. Wheeee!" ( this sort of thing is gonna be increasingly difficult to hide under the carpet...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam
Subject: RE: stanksgiving
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 16:12:16 -0800 (GMT-08:00)

> Among my more liberal (aka informed) friends (and glad to see the family and family friends this weekend) it's something I could mention without getting laughed outta da room...however, the sentiment (self included) is one of vague frustration and doubt, but really no way to prove it, other than calling for a recount, which is seeming to not bear much fruit and is somewhat irrelevant given all the areas where there is no paper trail....
> But then again, what else did the Ukrainians have to go on?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Nov 27, 2004 1:58 PM
> To: adam
> Subject: RE: stanksgiving
> nice
> re votergate - does the general public (or say the informed 20%) have any sense that there are doubts about the legitimacy of the election? eg is it something that u could mention amongst friends w/out getting laughed outta the room?
Four more years. Seriously.

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