Thursday, November 04, 2004

you put your brown shirt on, and you shake it all about.

* ftr - all the major blogs were down yesterday. the dem ones at least.

* if i hear anything more about morals or values im gonna scream. apparently blue voters dont have either. and it just shows how sophisticated the goppers are at managing - more like owning - and/or creating - the message. imagine how triffic all those crazyreligios are feeling about themselves today - and the message is being reinforced from day one. the best msg mgmt 'we' can do is calling abortion 'prochoice' - and thats about the only example i can think of. and its not really even very successful. values of course means racism and homophobia.

* speaking of values, the flipside is that the one lesson of the election is that reality doesnt matter.

* a rabbit died yesterday - its final words to me '43 will liberate my brothers'

* does ariana huffington look like modowd?

* are we gonna see more re-districting? good heavens.

* i nearly forced myself to have a bigmac and a coke today in an act of submission. perhaps another day.

* i wanna change my veetee-shirt to veto

* the other thing about those exitpolls yesterday - remember, the reason that was the thing to focus on was because that was the only independent source of information that didnt come out of the AP feed.

* and the other thing about the exitpolls is that the bookies collapsed their prices on jonk winning - which means that either a) the bookies (and exchanges) also believed the exitpolls (and whatever other evidence they had) or 2) there was an overwhelming amount of $ for jonk as news of the exitpolls hit the wires. given the movements in the markets, its my guess that its more likely that it was a) - and the bookies will have been very aware of the errormargins on the exitpolls - and therefore one imagines that the movement in the markets actually was rational/appropriate - rather than a kneejerk.

* separately, teddykennedy effectively announced jonk as the winner - and he seemed dead serious.

* ftr - i never thought jonk would actually be president - so i really wasnt expecting much - if it wasnt for the mkts calling it 4 jonk, i wouldnt be feeling nearly as miserable today - and all the pundits were calling it for jonk - suzan estrich virtually promised that jonk would win.

* im just hearing on aaronbrown that the exitpolling system went down for an hour after the first lot of results went out. fucking bananarepublicans.

* ftr "For the 2008 vote, Ladbrokes makes the Democrats 8/11 favourites and have offered even money on the Republicans but William Hill has the Republicans favourites at 8/11 and the Democrats on evens.
Ladbrokes has Hillary Clinton at 5/1 followed by former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani at 7/1 and Kerry running mate John Edwards on 8/1.
Outsiders include Mr Kerry and current Vice President Dick Cheney at 50/1 with action movie star-turned-California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at 66/1. William Hill has Clinton at 6/1 with Giuliani at 7/1 and Edwards at 10/1 with Kerry on 40/1 and Cheney and Schwarzenegger each on 66/1."

* "At the Justice Department, John Ashcroft, 62, appointed to please the Republican Party's right wing, is widely expected to depart.
His replacement could be Tom Ridge, 59, the Homeland Security Secretary, or Rudolph Giuliani. Giuliani could also replace Ridge if he moves to the Justice Department or returns to private life. "

Four more years. Seriously.

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