Friday, December 17, 2004


* "Senator Kerry's and Senator Edwards' state counsel for Ohio has issued a letter to Ohio Republican Secretary of State and Bush-Cheney '04 chair Kenneth Blackwell demanding an official investigation into voting machine tampering in Hocking County"

* "The only two newspapers that show articles on the database putting Pinochet in context with Nixon are The Montreal Gazette and the Ottawa Citizen, both Canadian newspapers. So why is it that the heavyweights of the American press can not bring themselves to examine Pinochet’s crimes in context of their own nation’s bankrupt policies ranging from the acts of September 11, 1973 to Operation Condor? Is it because some of them, indeed, served as speech writers and advisors to Nixon?"

* "How many stories mentioning Hamid Karzai with Unocal in the last two years? One in Times, none in Post. Why are most of American-sponsored foreign leaders usually former salesmen for gas, oil, weapons, drugs or any other commodity thereof?... As the only country with a First Amendment that requires constitutional protection of the freedom of the press, it never ceases to amaze me how readily American scribes prostitute their talents at the altars of power."

* " (AP) - The Ohio Supreme Court's chief justice on Thursday threw out a challenge to the state's presidential election results. The 40 voters who brought the case will likely be able to refile the challenge. Chief Justice Thomas Moyer ruled that the request improperly challenged two separate election results. Ohio law only allows one race to be challenged in a single complaint, he said."

* justin raimondo makes a good case about yuschenko not being poisoned - ive been totally suspicious about the whole story too. (some think justin is a weirdo - i dont know)

* separately, there is plenty of suspicion that arafat was poisoned.

* "This year the Pentagon approved the recall of 72 veterans in communication and navigation, but it has expelled 115 gay troops in that category since 1998; it recalled 33 in operational intelligence but has expelled 50 gays; in combat operations control, it recalled 33 but expelled 106." could they be any dumber? (prolly) "Seventy-nine percent of the public now favors letting gays serve openly. For the first time, a majority of junior enlisted personnel support open gays in the military." moralvalues, smellyouse.

* obl's latest tape, 'found on an islamic website', is 'poor audio quality' but which 'sounds like him'

* i cant even find the energy to laugh at 34's comments about the budget deficit

* remember all the noise about saddam paying the families of palestinian suicide bombers? the ams are paying $15k to recruit soldiers

* "Putin is not a sober version of Boris Yeltsin. Rather, he's a Russified Pinochet or Franco. And he is not guiding Russia toward free-market democracy, but into fascism.
In effect, Mr. Putin has steered Russia from a dictatorship of the left to a dictatorship of the right (Chinese leaders have done much the same thing). Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, Park Chung Hee and Putin all emerged in societies suffering from economic and political chaos. All consolidated power in part because they established order and made the trains - or planes - run on time." i wonder what the shoe-related transport delays are in am.

* "A scathing law lords judgment condemning the indefinite detention of foreign terror suspects as a threat to the life of the nation left anti-terrorist laws in tatters yesterday. Constitutional lawyers called it one of the most important decisions from Britain's highest court in 50 years." and "It was the anti-terror laws introduced by Mr Blunkett which posed a threat, he declared. "The real threat to the life of the nation, in the sense of a people living in accordance with its traditional laws and political values, comes not from terrorism but from laws such as these."" go read,12780,1375827,00.html

* "Berkeley Pries Open Votergate, Calls for Immediate U.S. Election Investigation: By unanimous consent, the Berkeley City Council adopted the "Resolution Supporting the Request that the Government Accountability Office Immediately Undertake an Investigation of Voting Irregularities in the 2004 Elections.""

* "The country's main pharmaceutical lobbying group has hired departing Republican Congressman Billy Tauzin as its new chief with an annual salary of around $2 million. Up until February the Louisiana politician served as chairman of the House committee with jurisdiction over drug-industry issues. "

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