Wednesday, December 01, 2004

bull and scones

* "Two million anti-war demonstrators can stream though the streets
of London and be politically ignored, but a few tens of thousands
in central Kiev are proclaimed to be "the people""

* when will cbs show the niger piece?

* tomridge, we'll miss u. i hope your replacement isnt worse. (i
get the same sinking feeling with every personel change)

* genmyers doesnt think the gitmo things arent torture - 'its not
just the dept of defense that thinks that, so does the usgovt!'

* getouttherevote

* 43's canadian 5 finger comment was apparently a reference to
those who didnt flip him - contrary to my first impression

* "A national nonpartisan voters' rights group has asked an Ohio
court to reinstate nearly 8,000 provisional ballots ruled invalid
in Cuyahoga County. The People for the American Way Foundation
filed suit Friday in the 8th Ohio District Court of Appeals in
Cleveland against Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell and the
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections."

* im not one to advocate violence of course, but given how we hear from 43 that 'the errorists only need to be successful once' - one assumes that the same is true for assassins. i wonder if the SS has actually foiled any assassination attempts on supercaesar. the secretservice must be really good at their job. as ari the first said 'it takes just one bullet'. i cant believe they actually let 43 leave the bunker, let alone the country. perhaps having cheney as veep is sufficient discouragement.

* imagine if furiousgeorge appointed a muslim to his minority potpourri cabinet. or a muslim convert - even better.

* imagine if there was an amrevote and people were so furious with jonk that nader actually gave the election back to 43. thatd be funny. sorta.

* btw - is it possible for the teevemedia to get realtime tranlators (especially of arabs) who dont make the translatee sound stupid? id really like that. and id also prefer not to use female translators for male translatees - it seems to put an unneccesary distance in the msg delivery. or maybe its just me.

* kofi is bad. cheney is good.

* who knew that ukrainian wardrobes were so full of orange?

* can 43 stop sniggering when he sez stuff? please. its increasingly difficult for him to say anything without sniggering midsentence as the words vomit out of his mouth. and he still has a twitchy jaw.

* demnow on vfraud

* wheres teresa?

* where the fuck is jonk? he really isnt doing himself any favours. everyone else is trying to get him into office and he's sitting on $51m and meantime 'little' peeps are funding recounts. many peeps were talking about jonk trying to lose even before the election. and before the 'early' concession. the whole skullbones thing hasnt been getting much play - but it will, justifiably or otherwise. he certainly isnt doing much to alleviate those concerns. how much vfraud suspicion does he need? he's kidding himself if he thinks that he is preserving some (positive) legacy - he's already going down as the guy who couldnt even beat 42.5 - at least he could stand up for the pretense of democracy - while 3 other pres candidates are doing same. and jones latest missive was quite disgusting. dont these people realise that if they dont stand up for democracy now, theyll *never* get a chance to (successfully) run for pres again? seriously. wtf are they thinking? the repugs wont steal it 3 times in a row? or four? its like that joke about the guy watching a repeat of a baseball game and betting on the losing side - 'i didnt think the winning team could win twice in a row'

* jjackson oped in chigsuntimes

* wapo "Recount Effort Is Expanded to New Mexico and Nevada" 4 paragraphs. 5 sentences. fucking hell. snowballing. slowballing. i want all these people rico'd. how to reconcile the ukr juxtaposition w/out brain exploding?

* given that we know that the media is owned by the egadmin, is there any reason to imagine that the medias avoidance of the vfraud issue hasnt been 'directed'? and if so, why? hands to the pump. fingers to the dyke.

* i fucking hate the taste of optimism. its poison.

Four more years. Seriously.

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