Friday, December 31, 2004

outout damn hope

* " Four years ago, Al Gore disappeared without a fight after an
obviously rigged Florida election. And this year? Manicured John
Kerry caved again. Try, for one moment, to imagine Kerry drinking a
bit of poison, seeing his complexion melt, and continuing to lead
the opposition. Yeah, right."

* conyers has written a letter warning of his jan6 objection and
trying to get senatorial support. "The Senators who shall receive
the greatest focus from Conyers in this matter are Biden, Bingaman,
Boxer, Byrd, Clinton, Conrad, Corzine, Dodd, Dorgan, Durbin,
Feingold, Harkin, Inyoue, Jeffords, Kennedy, Kerry, Lautenberg,
Leahy, Levin, Lieberman, Mikulski, Nelson (FL), Jack Reed, Harry
Reid, Rockefeller, Sarbanes, Stabenow, Wyden and Obama." cool. tell
everyone u know that the shameful scene from f911 is about to be
rectified. or repeated.

* has been doggedly following the clintcurtis/feeney
story, and it actually seems to have some legs - details a bit
unclear, but smoke everywhere, mixing metaphors. if u havent been
following it, curtis claimed that feeny asked him to write some
prototype sw which could flip an election, back in 2000 - and
there's a suspicious suicide, and some chinese spying involved.
feeny is the floridian house speaker. oh - and there was something
about missiles as well. and jeb bush. and aliens.

* and to add more spice, it seems that cliffarnebeck has being
working on a separate case from earlier in the year which seems to
suggest that the ohio supreme court has been bought and sold, and
that case is coming to a head - with an apparently final decision
last week. and of course, corruption in ohio points to vfraud.
details here:

* bfn does another story trying to parse jonks game. the nashadv is
kinda on the same wavelength. i hope they are right. one wonders
whether the people who ran such an ordinary campaign (albeit in
difficult circumstances) are sufficiently clever to pull off a
daringly clever post-campaign strategy... a very thin tightrope
indeed. look ma, no wires.

* "The entire staff of the independent electoral commission in the
Iraqi northern city of Mosul, amounting to about 700 employees,
have resigned amid growing violence in the country."

* " Surely the loss of life from war in Iraq is as significant a
meseeba as the Indian Ocean tsunami, yet where is the US corporate
media coverage of thousands of dead and homeless? Where are the
live aerial TV shots of the disaster zones and the up-close photos
of the victims? Where are the survivor stories - the miracle child
who lived thought a building collapsed by US bombs and rescued by
neighbors? Where are the government official's press releases of
regret and sorrow? Where is the international coalition for relief
of civilians in Iraq and the upsurge in donations for Red Cross
intervention? Would not Americans, if they knew, be just as caring
about Iraqi deaths as they are for the victims of the tsunami?"

war makes me mad, sad, bad.

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