Saturday, December 04, 2004

quag myers

* flashback "This election is not America’s first venture
into electronic voting. In Georgia, in November 2002, Democratic
Gov. Roy Barnes led in polls by 11 percent and Democratic Sen. Max
Cleland was in front by 5 percent just before the
election—the first ever conducted entirely on touch-screen
electronic machines, and counted entirely by company employees,
rather than public officials—but mysterious election-day
swings of 16 percent and 12 percent defeated both popular
incumbents. In Minnesota, Democrat Walter Mondale (replacing
beloved Sen. Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash), lost in an
amazing last-moment 11 percent vote swing recorded on electronic
machines. Then, in 2003, what’s known as “black box
voting” helped Arnold Schwarzenegger—who had deeply
offended female, Latino and Jewish voters—defeat a popular
Latino Democrat who substantially led in polls a week before the

* tsports still has am elec.certification.dec13 at 98+ - with a
fair amount of biz apparently being done.

* Online Journalism Review interviews olbermann. (from here on in
ill just call him KO cos 'olbermann' is tuff to type for some
reason. praps cos its too long. or cos im never quite sure of the
spelling!) ojr is generally pretty good - altho somehow they
suggest that KO is pro-jonk biased because he thought that jonk
decisively won the debates. so much for reality-based journalism.
ftr - KO puts a jonk win at 8/1, which would make the tsports
noncert by dec13 look like good value. i dont put much stock in
normal people trying to evaluate odds - but with his sports
background he may have some skills in the area - and 8/1 is quite
specific in that it isnt a round number.

* xymph points out that popbitch are calling zarq "Keyser Sose". nice.

* the oct jobs numbers were revised down by 10% - we mite see those
numbers revised down again next month.

* "U.S. Embassy Bans Use of Airport Road - Employees in Baghdad
Will Travel Increasingly Dangerous Route by Helicopter"
blackhawkdown. there are 1000 soldiers protecting the road. 4
attacks/week. 4 dead/injured per attack.

* "In another development, Rep. John Conyers Jr., D-Mich., sent a
letter to Blackwell asking for his assistance in a House Judiciary
Committee Democratic staff investigation of ``election
irregularities.'' That probe would be in addition to one sought by
the Government Accountability Office."

* ""Public acceptance of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is
well below the 50% mark, a fact of considerable concern to many
scientists," Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of The Gallup Poll,
observed today. He noted that given three alternatives, only 35%
say that evolution is well-supported by evidence. The same number
say evolution is one of many theories and not well supported by
evidence. Another 29% say they don't know enough about it to say.
Almost half of Americans (45%) believe that human beings "were
created by God essentially as they are today (that is, without
evolving) about 10,000 years ago," acccording to Gallup's poll."

* "word is that John Thomas "Tom" Schieffer, the Texas oilman who
brought President Bush into the Texas Rangers baseball club
partnership and who is now ambassador to Australia, is to hang out
in the Pacific a while longer, this time as ambassador to Japan."

* "Undersecretary for Policy Douglas J. Feith yesterday had a
policy "all hands" meeting at the Pentagon. At the meeting, it was
"announced that all the members of the team were going to remain in
place," according to an Army colonel briefed on the gathering.
So Mssrs. Donald H. Rumsfeld, Paul D. Wolfowitz, William J. Luti,
deputy undersecretary for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs, and
Feith will be there for quite a while"

* the villagevoice's bushbeat is triffic - they referred to general myers as 'quag' - which is funny and obviousinretrospect and im bummed that i didnt think of it. damn.

How can 59,054,087 Americans be so DUMB?

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