Sunday, January 16, 2005

intelligent divine

* UPI " One former senior CIA official, usually an administration
critic, said, "We should send a cruise missile into south-side
Damascus and blow the Mukharbarat headquarters off the map. We
should first make clear to them that they are the target.""

* btw - that lancet report asked how many peeps had died cos the war in the first 17 months. the war started in march - so i guess it goes till august04. we are now 22 months in. so thats another 30% in time - straight line extrapolation (as a starting point) - gives us 130k dead iraqis.

* scottritter is getting a heap of media these days. kind of a
shame there was a blackout on him 2 years ago - given that he was a
UN weapons inspector in iraq and all that.

* it seems that everyone has started asking cwly? even jimbaker3 has joined in. u'd have thought that they could have waited till after the coronation next week... patience everyone, patience. no need to dampen the euphoria. or praps they could even wait till after jan30. praps the rats expect the next few weeks in iraq to be reallly messy for some reason - and wanted to get on the record.

* perhaps the best way to protect against the draft is to become
gay. and ask, ask, ask, tell, tell, tell. (btw - are u allowed to be bi in the barmy?)

* i *still* cant believe that anyone takes notice of andrew sullivan?

* "Posted on Wed, Jan. 12, 2005: The Selective Service System is looking for men and women to serve as members of local boards that are currently in a standby mode... If a military draft becomes necessary, approximately 2,000 local and appeal boards throughout the nation would decide which young men in each community receive deferments, postponements or exemptions from military service, based on federal guidelines and community standards.
Anyone interested should contact Sonny Magnuson at (605) 484-2554 or Wayne Asscherick at (605) 484-9355 or visit and click on "Board Member Application.""

* wow - the media is really going after bloggers. they are *nervous*. (and it seems more than just faux equivalence wrt armstrongwilliams)

* "Some analysts maintain that the controversy over the SOTU/niger
"16 words" has been overblown.
"I am not sure it was such a faux pas," said Max Boot, a leading
neoconservative thinker at the Council on Foreign Relations. "The
Senate investigation found there was some genuine intelligence of
Saddam seeking uranium,'' even if key documentation was forged. "It
was not made up out of whole cloth."" lol - calling cbs! remember

* 'democrat' on fauxnews: 'we have to remember that clinton also
spent a lot of money on his inauguration - and besides, the money
is mostly coming from the private sector anyway'

* heres a fun sibel fact - i knew that she had started working at the fbi 'just after 911', it turns out that she had been trying to get a job there for 4 years and had been tested and all and they sat on her application, and the fbi cleared her TopSecret on sep13 (and began on sep20)

* flashback - here is the sibel letter to the 911comm

* i just watched jons doing the truman bit again. funny. especially the bit about blackfolk dying young, and thats why we need to lose socsec but it reminded me about a comment i made the other day, but i think i lost it in a puter crash - and i cant find the reference now - however - we all know that the townhall attendees are all pre-screened, and the questions are written by franklunz - but the bit which i didnt fully appreciate, is that the *entire* dialogue is actually scripted - according to the story i read, 34 asked some chick how old her mum was, and then he said 'yeah - my mum is 80 too' - altho it seems that he got a head of himself, cos the chick hadnt answered the question yet. neato.

* Knight Ridder "New toll puts tsunami casualties at 272,000" bloody hell.

* wolfofowitz is in aceh. feh.

war makes me mad, sad, bad. tsunamis makes me sad.

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